[52] Tourists

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"Okay, that's actually really wholesome."

Grumbling as hushed voices started to drag you from your slumber, you clung tighter to the pillar of warmth you had been hugging, wanting to sleep a bit more. The voices, however, wouldn't shut up.

"We should probably wake them, though . . . It's almost noon already."

"Get out of my way, I'll do it."

With that harsh voice, your blanket was ripped away from you, cold air hitting your skin immediately. Eyes opening in outrage, you set up, accidentally shoving what you were hugging away as you glared at the three boys at the foot of your bed. Neito was holding your blanket, a vexed look on his face.

"Mmm... You all are so noisy!"

Beside you, Mina was also waking up, rubbing her eyes and glowering at the rest of your group. Blinking, you realized what you had been hugging in your sleep, face turning bright red.

Denki shoved one of the phones towards you, a picture of you and Mina cuddling while asleep on screen. "Not gonna lie, that was one of the cutest and most wholesome things ever."

Seeing the picture, Mina hugged you closely, sticking her tongue out at the guys. "You all are creeps! Weirdoes! Let me and the wifey be!"

Her exclamation was enough to get you to laugh, and you finally pulled away, getting out of bed and smoothing down your clothes. "Okay, we get it, you all are super antsy. We're up now, okay? Now shoo! Vamoose!"

After you and Mina had gotten dressed and drank coffee to wake up, you all gathered around the coffee table to get to business.

"So we have supplies," you recounted, "and now we need information. The best area to go would be more downtown. It's shadier, but would probably be the best for gathering information...." Honestly, you weren't sure yourself. A lot of this was just a guessing game, right now.

Hanta piped up before you could go any further. "Have you been able to contact Ai, yet?"

Your lips pursed as you directed your voice inwards to the disembodied voice you had grown accustomed to.

Ai? You there? Anybody home?

For a moment, you didn't think they would answer, but after a few moments of silence, they did.

Sorry . . . Still tired.

That was okay — even just hearing their voice was enough for you.

Sorry, I'll let you go in a moment. Do you have a time estimate on when you can take us back to our world?

Mmf... One more day . . . Or two . . . Or three . . .

With that, Ai's voice faded, and you slumped. You felt tired just by hearing Ai's sleepiness, but you relayed the information to your friends so at least you all could expect when you'd be back.

"One more day, huh?" Denki groaned, leaning back into the couch. "Well, at least it's not a week. Do we still want to go out, then?"

It was a good question — with Ai coming back, there really wasn't a need to gather information now. Well, not really. However, a part of you still wanted to look, wanted to figure out what exactly was Ai. Staying inside doing nothing wasn't something you could do.

"Yeah," you decided, nodding sharply. "I'd like to find out more information about Ai, and besides, now is probably a great time to explore the city!"

Mina perked up, and it was clear everybody else was interested too — even Neito, although he tried to mask it with disinterest. At the agreement that you all could go sightseeing before getting to work, the five of you headed out.

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