[48] Hysteria

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You were sore, and tired, but that didn't stop you from taking the next day's training just as seriously as you had yesterday. Since you had missed a couple hours of remedial lessons, you were forced to stay up two hours later, resulting in three hours of sleep. You couldn't even complain — it was your fault, after all.

It didn't stop you from feeling your braincells die off, though.

Standing on one hand with your legs straight in the air, you took a deep breath and used your nen to push out from the palm of your hand. It was a basic technique to practice emission, and your goal was to get at least to ten feet today. It was barely noon, and you were only at four feet right now.

Going up once more, you were still at about four feet. A few seconds later, and you were back on the ground, balancing on one hand while the other was tucked behind your back.

"Wow, you can do that and still remain balanced . . !"

Taking a short break right by you was Izuku, and at his words you pushed yourself off the ground, landing deftly on your feet. Sweat had been starting to bead on your brow bone, and you were quick to wipe it away.

"It's really easy, and a good way to strengthen your muscles all over."

Izuku didn't seem to really agree with you that it was easy, but still remained enthusiastic about your own training. "So that — you used nen for that, too?"

If he had his notebook, no doubt would Izuku be jotting this all down; honestly, at this rate there was probably a separate notebook dedicated to just your abilities and nen in general.

"Yeah. Remember those categories I told you about? This is training for emission — basically, I'm pushing my aura out to propel myself in the air."

For somebody who couldn't see nen, it probably looked like the work of a flotation quirk when you would float in the air. You were constantly reminded how versatile nen was compared to the quirks of this world. With nen, you could do so much more! It really was too bad people here couldn't naturally use nen. Of course, you could always force their aura nodes open, but that was too big of a risk; forcing somebody's nodes open could result in permanent disfiguration or death. Your friends may be willing to risk that, but you? No dice.

Interrupting you and Izuku were one of the Pussycats — you kept getting their names mixed up. "Mew mew mew — listen up, everybody! As a reward for such hard work, both classes will be going head-to-head in a test of courage! Intense training rewarded by intense fun!"

Breaking away from your previous train of thoughts, you perked up, bouncing on the balls of your feet. "A test of courage?! Hell yeah!" Poor Izuku was the closest to you, and you immediately started to shake him back and forth. "This is going to be so much fun!"

After a moment of intense shaking, you finally let the poor teen go. Now you were even more motivated to train!

Getting back into handstand position before lifting your non-dominant hand to fold your arm behind your back, you continued to work on both emission techniques and your core strength.

"She was up even later than us," Hanta muttered, "how the hell does she have so much energy . . ?"

You were exhausted, though, by the time dinner was being made. Sluggishly cutting at a carrot, you could feel the weariness seeping into your bones, eyes slightly lidded.

"Move it, chuunibyou." Only one person would be rude enough to call you that, but you didn't even have the energy to argue as Katsuki took the knife from you and started to viciously chop the carrot with a precision you would have never expected from the blond. Sensing your staring, he stopped, red eyes narrowed in a glare toward you. "Oi, stop gawking and make yourself useful!"

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