[12] Go Go Go! U.A's Sport's Festival!

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He hadn't changed a bit, fiery red hair and an outfit that made you visibly cringe with how tacky it was. Not that you would ever say that. Hisoka may be whimsical and flamboyant, but it didn't change the fact he was dangerous as all hell.

Leering at you, he gestured his hands out in front of him in a flair that only he could manage. "In the flesh."

Your mind was racing just as fast as your heart, and you remained rooted in your spot. You couldn't show fear, the last thing you needed was to give Hisoka the satisfaction of knowing that he scared the shit out of you. Well, chances were, he probably already knew and relished the fact.

"What are you doing here?"

Your voice came out much more steady than you expected, and you applauded the effort as he took a step forward. You stood your ground, jaw setting and eyes hardening. You would not allow him to intimidate you!

Hisoka kept walking until he was right in front of you, and you crossed your arms defensively but made no attempt to move backwards as you glared up at him. At your resolve, the grin on his face only widened. It was only when he slowly reached his hand out towards you that you jumped back, putting some space in between the two of you as you got into a fighting stance. You weren't stupid enough to believe that you could hold your own against Hisoka, but that didn't mean you were going to roll over and do nothing.

"Oh? A bit jumpy now, are we~?" God, you hated him. You hated his face, and his personality, and most of all, you hated that sickeningly-sweet tone he always got in his voice, syrupy and smooth but with undertones of the true malice that embodied his personality. You said nothing, and he sighed, his arm falling back to his side.

"I came here to search for somebody. I never expected to find a budding flower, though, especially without her little puppy. What are you doing here?"

Gritting your teeth, you became even more defensive. "I have no clue how I wound up here, but if you're here... You must know how to get back, right?"

You didn't think it possible, but Hisoka's grin only widened even more, an eerie image that was sure to burn into your brain for later nightmares. It left you feeling unsettled, although that feeling soon gave way to pure rage as Hisoka responded.

"Hm... Who knows~?"

You had no idea what cryptic game this clown was playing, and you felt anger rise up within you as you took a step forwards, hands balling into fists. "Hisoka, you--!"

He cut you off, giving a little princess wave before turning his back to you, walking away. "Later, [N/n]-chan!"

You weren't prepared as he jumped and disappeared, and you took a couple steps forward before slumping. If Hisoka didn't want to be found, there was no way you were going to find him, and you childishly stomped your foot on the ground out of frustration.

There went your one chance on getting some answers and finding a way back home.


As soon as you had gotten home that night, you didn't hesitate to warn Aizawa. After all, you felt as if it was somewhat your responsibility for there being a murderous clown on the streets of Musutafu, and he had relayed it to the other pros right away. For a moment, you both had wondered if he was the one helping the League of Villains, but you were quick to dismiss that idea. Hisoka was, well, Hisoka. He was awful and terrible and disgusting, but you knew he wouldn't help the League. Besides, he was looking for somebody, and something in your gut was telling you that that person was the one helping Shigaraki and his stupid boy band. After all, wherever Hisoka went, trouble was always sure to follow.

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