END 14: Leorio Paladiknight

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"My decision . . . I . . ." Glancing over at Leorio, you felt your heart start to beat erratically. You had known for a while, deep down — ever since Leorio had kissed you, it had only solidified the confusing swirl inside you.

Your friend, the brash and somewhat money and alcohol-obsessed Leorio....

Well, you knew now that you wanted to be more than just friends with him.

You sighed. "I'm going back to York New City." The decision seemed to come out of left field for everybody except for you and Ai, who already knew your motives. The perks of sharing the same body and headspace, you supposed.

"Why York New?" Kurapika was the one to bite, curious, and you scratched the back of your neck sheepishly.

"Briefly, my friends and I got teleported to York New, remember?" you asked, referencing to when you, Mina, and the others had disappeared during the training camp. "And I found out some interesting stuff about my past after meeting a woman named Shiori... At the time, I turned the information down, but I think I'd like to go back and learn more about where I come from.

"I'll meet back up with you all eventually! I just... I won't be joining you two back in Greed Island," you apologized, bowing your head slightly and afraid that Gon might get offended. After all, no matter who your biological family was, he was still your younger brother, Aunt Mito was still your mom... Nothing could change or sever those bonds.

Thankfully, Gon was as understanding as always, enveloping you in a hug. "That's alright," he vowed. "We'll always be together, even when we're apart! No matter where any of us go... We'll always be friends!"

Hugging him back, you felt part of the weight lift off your chest. "I love you, Gon!"

"I love you too, [Y/n]-nee-san!"

Separating from the hug, you gave Killua a softer smile and a thumbs up, deciding to not try and hug him. "You two don't cause too much trouble for Bisky, ya hear?"

Killua rolled his eyes. "You sound like an elderly mother. Okay, okaa-san."

"Why you—!"

You had stooped down to pick up a rock by your feet in an attempt to chuck it at the Zoldyck, but Killua had grabbed Gon and stuck his tongue out at you before darting into the portal to leave you, Kurapika, and Leorio behind.

Next up, unsurprisingly, was Kurapika. He wasn't one for drawn-out goodbyes, and yet he hesitated for that split second, silver eyes darting between you and Leorio. His mouth opened, before closing, his jaw set and eyes hardening. You weren't sure what he had saw or thought, but whatever it was, he most certainly did not like it.

"I see," he murmured, meeting Leorio's gaze evenly. Leorio seemed to understand whatever Kurapika was going through, leaving you out of the loop.

Did you miss something, or . . ?

"Don't do anything stupid," Kurapika told Leorio harshly. "Treat her well."

Treat who well? Because he sure as hell isn't talking about me.

Before you could butt in, irritation starting to seep through your bones, the Kurta had turned to you, gaze softening as he gave you a small nod, paired with a soft smile. "Don't cause too much trouble," he echoed your own words back to you, and just like that your annoyance at him and Leorio was gone.

Cheekily grinning, you shrugged. "No promises."

He rolled his eyes, stepping back towards the portal. "I should have figured. I guess, then, I'll see you both later."

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