END 6: Kirishima Eijirou

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"My decision . . . Guys, I'm . . ." Struggling, you let out an irritated groan and threw your arms up in the air. "Fuck, I don't know. I still can't decide."

It was silent for a moment before Kurapika spoke up, somewhat struggling to say the words himself. "[Y/n]... Maybe you should stay in this world."


You, Leorio, Gon, and even Killua had all spoken in tandem, unable to believe the suggestion Kurapika had given you. He gave a wry smile. "You grew a lot in this world, and can probably continue to grow. Besides, as long as Chrollo is free, he'll be after Ai — it's safer in the long run to stay here."

Deciding to not point out the villains in this world, you mulled over his words. He had a point. Anybody with two eyes could see how much you had grown and changed for the better, especially maturity wise. Still, though... It was hard to choose between both worlds. You couldn't believe you were being so indecisive now of all times!

"[Y/n]," Gon spoke up, giving you a knowing look. "Just think about it some more! You can always visit whenever if you stay."

Your little brother was right, and after a moment, you sighed ruefully. "Okay, okay. I'll think more on this, then."

With that said, you finally began to bid everybody else goodbye, hugging your friends and brother before seeing them off back to your world and closing the portal. Once it was closed, you stood there for a moment, unsure of what to do next.

[Y/n], is the real reason you stayed behind because you didn't want to leave Eijirou behind?

You grimaced and decided to not answer Ai this time around. Instead, after stretching your arms above your head, you let out an irritated puff. No way you could go back and sleep, now. You needed to work off the irritation that was seeping into your bones.

Even though it was after hours, you made your way to the training gym. The doors were unlocked, and the lights were still on, so it's not like you were technically breaking and entering. With that, you didn't even bother changing into workout clothes as you loaded up the weights, sitting on the bench and immediately lifting the barbell up.


You hadn't been paying enough attention to your surroundings, so when your name was called out, you had immediately stood up and dropped the weights to the floor; with how heavy it was, it immediately put a noticeable dent in the wood.

Shoot. You hope this didn't come back to you.

Turning around, you saw it was the very man that had you frustrated this late at night, already donning workout clothes and coming from the boys' changing rooms.

So that's why the lights were already on, huh...

"Didn't you go back home?"

At the red-head's question, you gave him a tight and strained smile. "Clearly not," you snorted, gesturing to yourself. "I... I don't think I'm ready to go back, yet, but I just. UGH." Once again, you threw your arms up in the air, expressing your irritation. Eijirou gave you a toothy grin, dropping his back off to the side.

"Want to spar and get your mind off it?"

The thought of fighting always lifted your moods, and your smile changed into a more genuine one as you stepped forward. "Couldn't think of anything better to do."

Both of you got into position before immediately springing into action. Neither of you spoke while sparring, although that was most likely because Eijirou could sense your soured mood. Instead, the two of you exchanged a flurry of blows wordlessly.

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