[13] Always Reaching For the Top

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"An obstacle course, huh?"

You bounced on the balls of your heels, ecstatic at the game as you grabbed the arm of the person closest to you, which happened to be Izuku. "Oh, this is going to be so fun, I'm so excited!"

The others didn't share in your enthusiasm, everybody else too tense at the qualifier round for the festival. Oh well, as long as you were enjoying it it didn't matter, right? This would be a chance to show your worth and leave everybody in the dust! Call you childish, but you loved games. Oh, you just wish Gon and Killua were here, they would get a kick out of this!

All of you crowding the entrance, you tilted your head at the narrow pathway, already coming up with both a game plan and your own sweet revenge for Katsuki's earlier speech.

As the lights started to count down, you bounced from one leg to the other, unable to suppress the wide smile on your face as Midnight finally yelled out "Start!", signaling the start of the first round.

You jumped up immediately, using your nen to boost the power in your legs to propel you above the others. There was no way you'd squeeze through that crowd - talk about claustrophobic. Instead, you took Katsuki's speech to heart, jumping above the people by using your peers as stepping stones. Singling out a familiar head of spiky blond hair, you made sure to jump on his shoulders before launching yourself up.

"Thanks for being my stepping stone, Baku-bro!"

He was definitely going to kill you for that later, but damn did it feel good to make him eat his words!

Feeling a blast of cold air, you involuntarily shivered as you looked down, watching the ground freeze over, effectively trapping almost everybody in place as you got out of the tunnel and launched into the air, flipping slightly to see the source of the cold. Naturally, it was Shouto, breezing his way along the path and currently in first place.

Feeling something grab the back of your head before forcing you down, you shouted in dismay, looking up to see that Katsuki had blasted himself forward and shoved you down.

Yeah, you deserved that.

Flipping so you landed on your feet, you slid across the ice, waving your arms around frantically in an attempt to keep yourself from falling since ice skating wasn't really your forte. However, just sliding across the ground was not going to get you anywhere, and grumbling under your breath, you slid over to the small wall.

Normally, you'd use nen to allow yourself to run along it; however, how the hell would that be explained? You had to win by following the rules, and that just meant getting creative.

Steadying yourself against the wall, you focused your ko on your foot, stomping it down and shattering the ice and ground. It was messy, for sure, but at least you wouldn't be slipping every few moments, now.

No time for hesitation, you once again started to run.

Rounding the corner, you realized you were in third currently, with Shouto ahead of you and, surprisingly enough, Minoru in between you both.

He was swiftly approaching Shouto, too, and you were just about to put in a burst of speed when a giant hand came out of literally no where and swatted him out of the air, sending him flying.

"Oh, rest in peace man," you blurted out, skidding to a stop. In front of you all were three gargantuan robots, all facing towards you and blocking the rest of the path. You didn't have to fight them, just get around them, yeah?

Sensing everybody behind you come to a stop as well, you slapped your cheeks before letting out a battle cry. Like hell you were going to let this stop you, a moment of hesitation could be your downfall!

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