[11-15] Anthology Chapter

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[11] Killua Zoldyck VS. [Y/n]

For as long as you could remember, Gon had always been a younger brother to you. You had been raised alongside him, and you had vowed to yourself to always protect him. You had trained and grew stronger under your nen mentor for the sole purpose of wanting to protect Gon! He tended to rely on you more than anybody, even Aunt Mito, and you cherished it.

That all changed during the Hunter Exam.

You should have been happy that Gon was making friends, should have been happy as an older sister that he had somebody his own age to talk to, but you just couldn't be. Because that meant Gon wasn't relying on you anymore.

It's not that you didn't like Killua. He was a smart kid, and despite his mean quips and rude attitude, he was a good friend to Gon. However, he took up all of Gon's attention. You were used to soaking up all of Gon's attention, and now it was divided. Killua, who had clearly never had a friend before, felt the same way, usually sticking his tongue out at you or being particularly rude to you when Gon wasn't paying attention.

It was an odd friendship - and no matter what Killua said, you did consider him a friend. It was more of a rivalry than anything, but you knew you'd probably be able to count on him when it mattered.

"Hey, [Y/n], will you be okay by yourself?" Distracting you from taking in the giant airship's appearance, you looked over at Gon, your smile dimming slightly.

"What?" You asked, tilting your head.

Killua rolled his eyes. "We're going off to explore, idiot. Do you ever pay attention?"

You pursed your lips, but didn't dignify Killua with a response. You really wanted to say no, to tell Gon that it would be best to stick with you during the Hunter Exam, but... That would be extremely selfish of you, and you couldn't say 'no' when Gon looked so excited to hang out with his new friend.

Masking your disappointment, you gave him an indulgent smile. "Yeah, yeah, you kids go have fun. Just be careful, and stay away from Hisoka!" you told him, and Gon laughed, giving you a hug before running off with Killua.

"Thanks, [Y/n]!"

When they had disappeared, you deflated slightly, pouting. Nobody could ever replace you - you were rational enough to know that. After all, Gon only had one big sister. However, the same could probably be said for Killua at this point. As much as you hated to admit... You'd have to learn to share.

Seeing two figures walking ahead of you, you perked up and quickly ran to catch up with them.

"Leorio, Kurapika! Mind if I hang with y'all for a bit?"


[12] The Mysterious Man

York New City was pretty, but it was filled with idiots. Watching the news on the T.V. in the big square as they announced the deaths of more than half of the Phantom Troupe, you found yourself scoffing and rolling your eyes.

"As if the Phantom Troupe could be taken down by mafia goonies. These people are true, bona fide idiots." Shaking your head ruefully, you continued talking to yourself, ignoring the strange and affronted looks you received. "And they'll most likely run back to the auctions, thinking they're safe. Idiots."

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