END 13: Kurapika

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"My decision . . . I . . ." Trailing off, you couldn't form the words you wanted, needed, to say — speaking had never been an issue for you, so why did you struggle now of all times?

You looked over everybody, your gaze finally stopping on Kurapika. It's not that you couldn't decide on whether or not you wanted to stay — no, you missed your world, and definitely wanted to go back, but...

If you went back... Would everything continue to progress as if none of this had happened? Would the five of you continue to go onto your own paths, never acknowledging the time spent in this world?

And . . . what of the feelings you've come to acknowledge? Feelings that had started to bloom since the hunter exam, and had only come to light to you recently...

Would those, too, have to be forgotten?

No, you told yourself resolutely. I've come so far... I can't stop and fret about the future now. I have to take a leap!

With your short motivational speech, you took a deep breath and forced yourself to relax before you could give your friends a genuine smile.

"I'm going back," you declared, "but once we go through that portal, we'll all be back onto our own paths, so before we step through... Before we get separated again...!"

You clenched your fists, trying not to work yourself up. "Thank you all for helping. I know this wasn't ideal, and I caused a lot of chaos even if I didn't mean it, but... I couldn't ask for any better friends than you four. We all have to meet up one day in the future, okay?"

Gon nodded, matching your grin. "Yeah! We'll all see each other soon!"

Giving you one last hug, before you could give him a proper goodbye, or even hug Killua, the two younger teens disappeared into the portal. While you knew you would see them again, you still wish you could have said 'goodbye' to Killua!

Although honestly, Killua probably wouldn't have appreciated your hug anyways. Still.

With those two gone, though, it left you in an awkward predicament as you realized that you needed to give Leorio your answer now. A part of you wanted to just bid him goodbye and pretend nothing ever had happened between the two of you, but... That wasn't fair. Not to you, and not to Leorio, your dear friend.

Taking a deep breath, you forced yourself to look Leorio in the eyes, steeling yourself for the disappointment you wanted to avoid. "Leorio..." Your friend perked up, with Kurapika watching inquisitively, gray eyes slightly narrowed. ". . . I'm sorry. You're a good friend."

You said nothing more — you didn't need to. Even though the phrase was vague and innocent by itself, recognition immediately flashed through Leorio's eyes, followed quickly by, as you had expected, disappointment. The older male didn't make a scene, though — as loud and childish as he might get, he knew when to be serious. Or maybe he just didn't want to make a scene. You weren't sure.

He ruffled your hair, a sad grin on his face. "You, too. Stay safe, got it?" He turned to Kurapika, nodding at the blond. "And you! Stop ignoring everybody's texts for once!"

He was back to his lively self, and saluted you both before stepping into the portal, leaving you and Kurapika (and technically Ai, you supposed).

"Um, Kurapika—"

The blond interrupted you. "When did Leorio confess to you?"

It effectively halted you, causing you to falter as you felt heat creep up into your cheeks. "I—huh?"

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