[43] Fanfare

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Stomachs full, your group sat in the living room of Aizawa's apartment. Hawks had left because he had hero work; this left you, a very awkward Shouto, Kurapika, Leorio, Gon, Killua, and your father figure. After getting to Aizawa's, you had insisted on pizza, the perfect food to feed plenty of people. Poor Aizawa was tired - it was crystal clear to see, especially when he realized there were now two 13-year-olds stuck in this world without parental permission.

Leorio had offered the solution: himself. Since he was 19, he could take legal responsibility and watch over Gon and Killua in Kurapika's apartment. You tried to convince Aizawa to let your brother stay here, but there wasn't enough room - your next move was to try and stay in Kurapika's apartment once again, but Aizawa quickly shot that idea down.

The one who had the worst of it all, though, was Shouto. He had been unwillingly dragged into this mess, and it was amusing to see Gon ask him question after question about his quirk, his fighting abilities, his relationship with you. You could tell the teen felt a bit awkward, not used to this kind of attention.

Turning your attention to Shouto, you hummed. "Hey, I saw the group text Izuku sent to us all - are you going to the pool with everybody tomorrow?"

He nodded, his facial expression staying the same. "Yeah, Midoriya said it'd be good for endurance training."

Of course those guys would focus on training - you just wanted to go swimming and hang out with your friends!

And that was the end of that conversation - Gon butt in again, asking about swimming, and you turned to Aizawa.

"Um, Dad, can Gon and Killua come along to U.A. with me?"

"Dad?" Leorio and Gon echoed in confusion, and Aizawa closed his eyes and sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in exasperation at your insistence in calling him that.

"I suppose, but you better not slack off."

That was good enough for you and you gave a wide grin and a mock salute. "Aye aye, I'll do my best!"


The rest of the night seemed to go smoothly as you all caught up, with Shouto slowly being pulled out of his shell. Him and Kurapika were both studious people, and at some point those two and Killua got caught up in an intense conversation about the state of this world and its laws, with Shouto helping the two out some more. It was a conversation that didn't interest you, and instead you had engaged with Leorio and Gon.

While you were in the middle of talking about the Sport's Festival, Shouto had stood up, glancing at his phone.

"Freecss, I'm going to head out. I'll see you tomorrow."

At Shouto's 'goodbye', you stood up and gave him a quick hug. "Okay, see ya tomorrow, then!"

Even you couldn't miss the light blush on his face as he bowed slightly to everybody else before heading out. Once he was gone, Gon looked up at you in slight confusion. "Freecss?"

"You have to have last names in this world so I just took yours since we're basically siblings."

The shorter teen grinned and nodded before stretching his arms above. "Okay, makes sense! We should probably be heading out, too!"

Kurapika glanced at the time and hummed in agreement. "You two go wait outside. I need to talk to [Y/n] about something."

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