[17] Budding Suspicions

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Leaning over the side rail, you weren't surprised to see that Hitoshi was talking. If his quirk was really voice activated, it made sense that he would say stuff to goad Izuku into talking. Both you and Mashirao had warned him though. There was no way that Izuku would be a fool enough to -

"What did you say?!"

Aaaaand you stand corrected.

Burying your face into your hands, you let out a long groan. It was game over - under Hitoshi's mind control quirk, he could literally make Izuku just say "I give up!" and it'd be the end of it. And after Mashirao and you had warned him! Behind you, you could hear Mashirao also note that, his voice dejected.

Hitoshi apparently wasn't going to make it quick, though. His voice echoed in the stadium, telling Izuku to walk out of bounds, and immediately Izuku complied, turning around and slowly making his way to the edge. Was this really how it was going to end? With Izuku forfeiting himself against his own will?! You clenched your fists, leaning over the side of the rail. You barely noted the hand that had reached out and grabbed the back of your jacket to keep you from falling over as you were intently focused on the battle. And despite the lack of fighting, it was still a battle - this one, though, was mental. You'd just have to trust Izuku to pull through.

Around you, your classmates began to freak out, yelling at Izuku to snap out of it. Nothing worked, though, as he continued to trudge forward sluggishly. You leaned forward more, and the hand on your jacket yanked you back, causing you to stumble and look over your shoulder. Naturally, it was Eijirou, and he shook his head at you as he let go of you.

"You're going to fall if you lean like that, [Y/n]."

You nodded once, turning your attention back to the fight and being more mindful of the railing you were on. Izuku was nearing the edge, and you started to grow frustrated.

Come on.... come on!

You couldn't handle this anymore! Cupping your hands around your mouth, you leaned forward (with poor Eijirou grabbing the back of your jacket again). "COME ON, IZUKU! GET IT TOGETHER!"

Whether it was your own voice or Izuku's strong will, something did the trick. Just as his foot was about to cross the painted line, wind gusted around him. It didn't take a genius to know that Izuku had done something, and you took a moment to realize damn, this is the first time I've actually seen Izuku use his quirk!. Feeling your hair whip back, you shielded your face for a moment before peering down. Izuku was making haste, not a single word leaving his mouth as Hitoshi began to yell at him.

You felt bad. Hitoshi truly just wanted to become a hero, but Izuku was also trying to reach his own goals, and neither were going to relent. As Izuku reached Hitoshi, he immediately began to push, shoving the lilac-haired boy closer and closer to the edge as Hitoshi desperately tried to stay in. Finally, realizing that Izuku wasn't going to speak, he punched him square in the face.

This didn't stop Izuku, though. You couldn't see your friend's face but you could imagine the sheer determination that was probably placed on it as he continued to push. The two grappled momentarily, and you gasped as the tables were turned with Izuku being shoved towards the line.

No... Izuku!

Thankfully, Izuku was a quick thinker. In an instant he had grabbed Hitoshi's arm, pulling him over and slamming him on the ground - and right over the line.

"Shinsou Hitoshi is out of bounds! Midoriya Izuku advances to round two!"

It was a sort of anti-climatic - and very short - fight, but nonetheless the audience cheered at Midnight's declaration.

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