[15] Bright and Cheerful

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As Present Mic announced that a lunch break would commence before you all would move on to the afternoon festivities, you bounced up and down excitedly. This was the most non-threatening excitement you have had in ages, not to mention you were doing pretty well! Second and third place in the first two events. It wasn't first, but you could rectify it when it came to the versus battles. After all, you had your special ability you still haven't showcased, and you were dying to show it off! You'd just have to wait until the very end - you had learned the hard way that it can have pretty severe repercussions on your body if you did it wrong.

Stomach growling, you quickly excused yourself from your conversation with Tsuyu and Mina so you could run to the bathroom before meeting them all in the cafeteria. Hopefully they had your favorite dish today, because that was the only way this day could get better!

Doing what you needed to do and washing your hands, you left the bathroom, leisurely strolling down the darkened hallways and not sensing the tension up ahead that you were about to walk into - the tension you would have walked into if a hand didn't shoot out and grab a hold of you, one hand wrapping around your waist and the other clamping over your mouth.


"Fucking be quiet!"

At the familiar voice quiet hissing in your ear, you swung your elbow back, getting Katsuki right in the gut as he let out an almost inaudible 'oof'. He quickly shushed you (as if you were the one making the noise here!) before saying, "Just fucking wait a minute, damned newbie. I want to hear what they're fucking saying." After that, you realized there was an important conversation going on ahead and immediately stopped struggling, not even bothering to remove Katsuki's hand from your waist. Instead, you cocked your head to the side, using gyo to enhance your hearing.

"You've heard of quirk marriages, right?"

You must have missed the first part of this conversation, but there was no doubt about it that that was Shouto's voice, and you glanced up at Katsuki with a questioning gaze before tuning back into the conversation. You felt nosy and a bit guilty for eavesdropping, but curiosity won out over those feelings. You just had to wonder, who was Shouto talking to? You had a pretty good feeling that you knew who it was, and if it was who you think it was, then you felt bad for the poor teen. First you dumped your secret onto him, and now Shouto is dumping his secrets, as well? Izuku was apparently the most trustworthy person in Class 1-A.

Listening to Shouto explain quirk marriages, you couldn't help but be confused. Why did any of this matter? It's not like he was planning on marrying Izuku to use his quirk, so why did it matter? You soon got your answer.

Shouto is the result of a quirk marriage...? Why would such things exist in this world?

It was just one surprise after another, each one worse than the last, because Shouto was nowhere done giving Izuku (if it was Izuku, since you hadn't confirmed it) his tragic backstory.

"In my memories, my mother is always crying," he said darkly. "'Your left side is unsightly', my mother said as she poured boiling water on me." You had to stifle a gasp, both of your hands flying up to your mouth in an attempt to stay quiet. You tensed, afraid he had heard, but he continued to talk, and suddenly guilt washed over you in big waves. This was way too personal to listen to, even if it was to sate your own curiosity.

You didn't realize that the thought of his mother scarring him (literally) had affected you so bad until you felt water on the corners of your lips, salt exploding across your tongue. Slowly, you raised a hand to feel your face. Upon confirming they were tears, you hastily wiped them away, not wanting Katsuki to notice or, even worse, for it to become a noisy cry. Whether he noticed it or not, Katsuki's grip on you tightened lightly.

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