[21] Underlying Threat

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The awards ceremony went off without a hitch. You and Fumikage shared the third place pedestal, Shouto was on the second place one, and Katsuki was... well... You had definitely been right in your assumption that he wouldn't take his win well, and when you saw him, you realized your thinking had underestimated him. He was livid, and poor All Might had had to force him to take his medal.

After the ceremony, you all had reconvened in class just for Aizawa to tell you all that you'd have the next two days off and that when you all got back, you'd be scouted for internships or something? Honestly, today was exhausting and you were kind of zoning out.

Still confined to a wheelchair for the time being while you healed, once class was dismissed Izuku and Ochaco came up to you, both concerned. "[Y/n], are you going to be able to make it home..?"

At Ochaco's question, you looked over to see that Aizawa had magically disappeared, leaving you in the dust. Great. Thanks, Dad. Giving them a wry smile, you shrugged.

"I'm sure I can, but the company would be nice," you told them. "I'm just supposed to stop by Recovery Girl's office before I leave for her to check up on me one more time." Without your nen to speed up the healing process, you were in shambles and probably looked half-dead. On your face was a harsh bruise on your cheekbone, a couple of scratches and scrapes along the side of your face where you had hit the ground in your fight against Shouto. Underneath your uniform, however, bruises and cuts littered everywhere. And that wasn't even the worst of it - your collarbone and right side of your torso had been burned pretty bad. Those had been healed for the most part, just a light red sting rather than the angry welts you previously had, but . . . Shouto had avoided eye contact with you for the entirety of class anyways, bolting out as soon as it was over.

It was obvious that he felt pretty guilty over you. You didn't blame him, but you didn't want him to beat himself up over it!

Izuku taking the reigns of your chair, he pushed you slowly to Recovery Girl's office as Ochaco walked alongside you, filling you in on what you had missed when you were passed out.

"Tenya's brother. . . ?"

"Ingenium, he's a pro-hero," Izuku filled in for you.

You nodded once, your face grim. Poor Tenya... "I hope he's alright. That's really scary! If somebody hurt Gon, I'd raise hell," you told them. Goodness, if somebody hurt Gon, you'd murder them! Nobody hurts your little cinnamon-roll of a younger brother! You figured it would be best to maybe not say that you would commit homicide for your family, though.

Ochaco tilted her head to the side. "Gon?" Izuku recognized the name, but you hadn't really filled him in on much of your friends and family back in your world. With Ochaco, though... She was completely in the dark, and you were way too tired to even think of explaining the truth to her, so you decided to keep it simple.

Nodding, you hummed. "He's like... My younger brother. I never knew my parents, but when I was a baby Gon's aunt took me in. A couple years later, Gon's dad dropped him off on his aunt. We grew up, and went through a lot of hardships together. He's my most important person to me," you told them, smiling wistfully. "Being here is fun, but him and Aunt Mito don't live around here so it's hard sometimes. I miss them." You were homesick. Sure, this world was fun at times (although infuriating as well), but nothing beat your world, your home.

. . . Would you ever make it back?

You hadn't realized that thinking about your old life had brought tears to your eyes until Ochaco started to freak out. "A-AH! I'm so sorry for making you sad, [Y/n]!!"

Reason [BNHA x HxH!Reader]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon