[4] Auras

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You and Mei chatted as she showed you to what was Class 1-A. And by chatted, that meant that Mei talked the entire time about her ideas and how she could improve her unnamed boot invention. You didn't understand a lot of what she was talking about, but her enthusiasm was contagious, and you found yourself nodding along.

"This is it! I'll see you after school to test out more of my babies!"

Earlier, you had insisted that you and Mei exchange phone numbers, with the sole promise that she had to call because your reading comprehension in Japanese was terrible. You nodded along, matching her smile. "Yeah, yeah, I just have to make sure my, er, guardian is okay with that! Are you coming in?"

She shook her head. "I'm in the support class, 1-H! See you later!"

With that, she was skipping off before you could give a proper goodbye, and you deflated a bit. Man, you really were hoping you had at least one friend in this class, but it looks like you'd just have to wait to see her again.

Now, you weren't a very anxious person. Much like your friend who you grew up with as practically a little brother, you were pretty easy-going and happy. Not exactly "go-with-the-flow" material, but you certainly didn't worry about the little things. This, however, made you nervous, and you weren't sure why. This was an opportunity to make new friends and meet new people! Besides, you knew Aizawa, so it's not like everybody was a complete stranger in here.

So why were you hesitating?

As if sensing your presence, the large door had opened, revealing the one person you wanted to see.

"You're late."

As if that's my fault... you left me behind!

You pouted at him, voicing your thoughts exactly, and he sighed, unamused with your excuse, before telling you to wait a moment as he closed the door on you. Through the door, you could hear him address the class.

"First things first, we have a new transfer student from the United States who will be joining you all today. Freecss, come in."

He sounded so monotone and dead inside, not to mention being called by your last name was so weird. You decidedly did not like it.

Opening the door, all eyes were on you as you stood in front of the class. Most reactions you saw were pleasantly shocked as everybody exclaimed, and you smiled happily, waving a hand. "Uh, hi! I'm Freecss [Y/n], but please call me [Y/n]! It's weird being called by my last name because, you know, it's pretty unusual where I'm from! I look forward to fighting with you all!"

You didn't recognize any faces as you looked over everybody. Not at first, anyways, before your gaze snapped back towards a particularly seething blond. Oh. Him. You totally forgot about him, so wrapped up in Mei's antics!

Cheerfully, you waved at him, only provoking him further. "Ah, it's the angry extra guy! Hi again!"

Much like you intended, your comment set him off as he stood up, slamming both hands on his desk and making the others around him jolt in their seats. "What did you say you damned - "

"Bakugou, sit down. Freecss, there's an empty seat in the back of the class, so you'll have to sit there."

The angry blond sat down angrily, red eyes attempting to pierce through your very soul as you happily skipped to the back of the class. Everybody else looked shocked at the carefree attitude that you had just displayed towards their violent classmate, but you paid no mind as you sat behind a girl with a black ponytail.

You think that went swimmingly.

Undisturbed with Bakugou's outburst, Aizawa continued on. "As for today, we'll be doing something important." Everybody seemed to hold their breaths, and you leaned forwards in excitement.

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