[58] Reason

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You didn't know how long you had been enveloped in this darkness. Had it been minutes? Hours? Days? Time didn't exist in whatever space you were in. Just you, and Ai.

Speaking of Ai... Obviously, they weren't taking control of your body, because they were here, with you.

As it turned out, they even had a form.

It was... Strange. Like staring into your reflection, almost, if it weren't for the paper-white skin and black circles where your eyes would have been. On top of it, this version of 'you' had a wide smile and no nose — strange, really. Ai had explained their true form was just black gas, and that this was much easier to form.

Maybe it was easier, but it was also a lot more unnerving.

"[Y/n], why didn't you wish to be sent to a safer place?"

What was even weirder was hearing Ai talk out loud in that genderless, honeyed voice that soothed every worry away, especially coming from your body.  The more you thought about it, the more it really did remind you of Xerxes, a dull pang going through your heart.  It was weird — missing somebody you barely even remembered.

Scrunching up your nose, you sighed. You would have sat down, too, if it was possible. "I thought about it," you admitted, your lips pursed into a frown. "But I can't keep running. This might be my only chance to have a conversation with Pariston and figure out just what the hell is going on. More than anything, I need answers. I have way too many questions to just run away."

Ai's face remained expressionless. "Alright. I have enough juice for one more warp before I have to hibernate again — please let me know. For now, I think it's time to go."


At their words, you felt yourself snap back to reality in a jarring manner, somebody's fingers wrapped around your bicep in a grip strong enough to bruise, and your senses came flooding back at once.

Dizziness washed over you — the deprivation of every sense, and then the sudden return of them all led to overstimulation. For just a moment, you only saw white, a loud ringing in your ears as you tried to come back to your senses. Slowly, the world started to shift back into place, a blur at first before becoming more clear.

You weren't sure what to expect to see. Maybe Hisoka's leering face, or Pariston's triumphant, greasy smile. Maybe the burning vermilion eyes that belonged to Shigaraki or even the purple scarred man.

What you most certainly hadn't been expecting, however, was a pair of familiar golden eyes millimeters from your own face, gleeful and excited. Uncaring that somebody was still holding your arm with a bruising strength, you ripped yourself free just to launch yourself at the blonde in a hug.

"Himi! What are you doing here? Were you captured too?!"

Himiko giggled, shaking her head in amusement. "No, no, silly [N/n]! These are my friends!"

It was easy to think for just a moment that maybe you hadn't been captured by villains. That Himiko had saved you and brought you back to her friends. Her 'friends' though were familiar people behind her, ones that most certainly weren't friendly. Shigaraki and Kurogiri. The purple-scarred man. A lizard person you didn't recognize, as well as the masked magician and a buff person with red hair. Lastly, and most infuriatingly, was Pariston Hill. Hisoka and Illumi were nowhere to be found.

Eyes looking back over at Himiko, you frowned. "You're with them?"

"Now, now, [Y/n], I knew you were rude but I didn't remember you being this rude."

Reason [BNHA x HxH!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now