[44] Reinforcements

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You had been ecstatic to wear your new swimsuit to the pool today, so when you were reminded by Aizawa that you had to be in the school-issued swimsuit, you were understandably bummed. Not bummed enough to argue, though - you were just excited to get out. Aizawa had deemed it safe enough for you to go to U.A. since campus was protected, not to mention you wouldn't be going alone.

Convincing Gon and Killua to come with you had been fairly easy, especially since Gon was excited to meet everybody. Killua was a bit more begrudging, but even he couldn't hide his curiosity, even as he grumbled under his breath about how the three of you could be more productive. Kurapika and Leorio, while you had wanted them to come, had other things to do at the moment - mainly, you assumed, tracking Chrollo down and figuring out their plans.

"You're going to love my classmates! Or, well, most of them," you reasoned as the three of you walked to U.A.. Probably not Katsuki - already, you could see Katsuki and Killua arguing immensely.

Killua looked around, his hands shoved into his pockets. "Are they all like Shouto?"

"Um... Not really..."

Shouto was a special case, not that you would tell them that right now.

The walk to U.A. had mostly consisted of you pointing out all of the places of interest to your two friends - the arcade, your favorite eating and hangout spots, where you had run into Hisoka the first time. Gon was the most interested in everything, taking it all in in stride. There were some similarities between your worlds. Musutafu, Tokyo, was similar to York New City in some ways. The tall, towering buildings; neon lights and a constant stream of people; villains and bad guys running amok. The advanced technology set it apart, as well as the customs and the people here.

Agh, comparing the two cities had you feeling homesick again, your chest aching painfully. As if he could sense your turmoil, Gon grabbed your hand, swinging your hands between the two of you as you both walked.

"Don't worry! We'll make it back home soon!"

You shot your little brother a thankful smile. "I know we will. After all, we still have a Ging to catch," you teased as Gon lit up.


Huffing beside the two of you, Killua elbowed your side. "Oi, is this it?"

Sure enough, the building looming over you all was U.A. and you gave a happy nod, scanning your student I.D. to get you three through the gates. "Yep! Come on, everybody else is probably already there! Izuku said he invited everybody else to train, too!"

Before you could lead them to the locker rooms, you were stopped by a confused voice - turning around, you perked up to see Hitoshi, his purple brows knitted together.

"What are you doing here? And who are these two kids?"

"I could ask you the same," you teased with a grin. "This is my little brother, Gon, and our friend, Killua! They're from my world, we're heading to the pool to train with the rest of my class!"

Hitoshi gave an exasperated sigh, ruffling his hair lightly. "Of course you'd want to spend your day off training. I had to drop some stuff off for one of my classmates, I'm heading home now." He didn't comment on Gon and Killua, but it was clear he was sizing them up when you had mentioned they were from your world. You didn't blame him for being distrusting - after all, plenty of bad people had also come from your world.

You perked up. "Hey, want to come train with us?"

"I'm good." Hitoshi had given you a slight grimace that had caused you to wilt - seeing your sullen expression, though, caused Hitoshi to fumble with his words. "But if you're free tomorrow, we could go get crepes?"

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