[55] Hero Support

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The way Shiori spoke, weaving her words together, felt almost like a fairytale. It didn't really feel real, especially not to you — that story brought up nothing in you either.

You truly couldn't remember any of it — well, no, not quite. You remembered a warm embrace and a smell of honeysuckle, soothing you on a rocking boat. Weirdly enough, their honeyed voice sounded somewhat like Ai's, the memory of a lullaby in an unknown language.

Adopted parents, huh . . .

"E-eh?! Are you okay, [N/n]?!"

You looked up at Mina in confusion as a drop of water hit your hand. Looking down slowly as more droplets followed, you pursed your lips. You were crying. Grieving over Soleil and Xerxes, despite having zero memories about them. On top of this, it brought up a terrifying realization, one that you weren't sure you wanted to confront.

Your home had been the Dark Continent.

Wiping hastily at your eyes, you sniffled a bit, trying to put on a strong façade. "Shiori . . . Does this — am I . . . not human?"

A stillness settled over the room, stifling silence that felt as if it was going to crush you. You hadn't realized you had been shaking until Hanta set a hand on your shoulder, giving you a gentle, reassuring smile.

"Does it matter?"

His question wasn't something you had expected, and you blinked rapidly as he continued. "We know you, [Y/n], and even if you're not human . . . so what? You're still our friend."

Denki piped in more energetically. "Heck yeah, we all will love you the same!"

From the end of the couch, Neito scoffed. "Speak for yourself, freakshow," he snapped at Denki, before averting his gaze from you. "Although . . . You're not a monster or anything, and you're still the most bearable student from 1-A."

"Coming from you, Monoma, that's almost like a love confession."

As Hanta and Denki began to tease Neito, Mina grabbed your hands to command your attention.

"[Y/n]," she started, voice uncharacteristically serious. "Whether you're human or not . . . It really doesn't matter to us. It doesn't change the fact that you're a strong person, and a wonderful friend! You are still much more human than that clown man, or Pariston, or the League of Villains, and nothing will every change that. Most importantly, nothing will change how much you mean to all of us — but especially me!"

Stunning everybody into silence, Mina had boldly leaned forward to kiss your cheek, hitting the corner of your mouth. When she pulled back, she smiled cheekily, and you could do nothing but gape in shock, feeling heat rush up to your face.

"H-Hey, Mina! You can't just kiss somebody like that!" Denki complained, but before they could ease back into a banter, Shiori finally cleared her throat to alert you all that she was still there.

Oh. Right.

As your group quieted down, Shiori shut her book, allowing it to disappear. "If it's any consolation, [Y/n], you are human. You came from a small village called Dorado, hidden deep within the Dark Continent.  Most likely, your village was coexisting well with Ai to prevent intruders from invading their home. After hearing the truth, do you still not want to remember your birth parents?"

Your answer was decisive. "No." Tone firmer than you meant to, you met Shiori's gaze head-on. "They lost me and allowed me to be brought over here. I appreciate knowing about Soleil and Xerxes . . . Both sacrificed themselves to keep me safe despite not knowing me, and for that . . . I'd like to consider them as my birth parents."

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