[23] The Big Three

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Your last day off was spent being lazy and watching anime, and before you knew it, you were heading back to school. Earlier than you had expected, you made your way to the empty classroom where you always studied with Nejire in, only to be perplexed when you saw that it wasn't her who was waiting for you today. Instead, it was a boy with messy black hair and pointed ears - the shy one you saw when you first met Nejire.

What was he doing here?

Voicing your thoughts as you walked in, you looked around, expecting the older teen to pop out and hug you at any minute. "Um... Is Jire not here today...?

For a moment, the boy said nothing - you half-wondered if he heard you, but then he grumbled under his breath, just loud enough for you to hear.

"She... I'm the one who's tutoring you today..."

Well, I guess that answers that.

Sitting down at the desk next to him, you nodded once, beaming brightly at him. "I'm [Y/n] Freecss!" While he looked a bit perplexed with your backwards introduction, he introduced himself nonetheless quietly, avoiding eye contact with you.

"Amajiki Tamaki..."

He really wasn't much of a talker. Was he going to be able to tutor you today? You trusted Nejire, so if she put you with this guy you'd just have to trust her judgement, right?

Nodding to yourself, you started to bring out your books, humming. "Alright then, Tamaki! Jire and I were working on Japan's history and about the different eras or something last time, so that's what we should continue today!" The boy just flushed deeply at your usage of his first name, quickly standing up and casting you one look before apologizing.

"I-I'm sorry, I have to go!"

With that, he abruptly walked off, leaving you behind in the empty classroom as you stared after him, dumbfounded. He had to go? Where? He was supposed to be tutoring you!

"Ah... I wonder if I offended him. Whoops."

"You didn't."

The new voice had you jump as you glanced over, eyes wide. The person in question was a third year that you had never seen, with blond hair and beady blue eyes. He laughed, introducing himself as Togata Mirio, before saying your name too and surprising you even more. "Nejire's talked a lot about you, although maybe 'gush' is a better word."

You couldn't help the smile on your face at those words. Nejire was a total sweetie, and to hear that she's said good things about you really made your day.

"So what's his problem?" You asked, referring to Tamaki. "I don't think I said or did anything wrong . . ."

Mirio laughed good-naturedly, sitting across from you. "He's just a bit shy; if you keep talking to him, he'll warm up to you eventually!" Okay, that was kind of cute, not to mention relieving. You were glad you didn't accidentally piss him off. "Need help studying?"

His finger tapped one of your books, making you heave a long suffering sigh. "Yeah... Jire usually tutors me both before and after school."


Ah, that's right. Even if they were close friends with Nejire, you doubted she would tell a single soul about your predicament. "I'm from the U.S.," you lied easily, shrugging. "I can speak fluently, but my reading and writing skills are . . . Well, terrible." No use in sugarcoating that, you supposed.

Thankfully, Mirio didn't question anymore and took Nejire's place. While you appreciated Nejire solely for the fact you could talk freely with her, Mirio was turning out to be an excellent tutor, helping you with parts of the material you just didn't understand. It wasn't a full session, as Mirio had to get other things done before school started, but he was a huge help.

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