[0] Departure

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Sometimes, life didn't go as planned, and you were perfectly okay with that.  After all, you supposed, the twists and turns of life was what made everything so fun and interesting!  That is, until now, where you somehow were deposited into the sky, falling at breakneck speed towards your quickly-approaching doom.  You could use your nen, but you weren't entirely sure that could protect you from the impact of the ground, not to mention your aura was almost completely depleted.

To put it bluntly?  You were fucked, and you knew it.

How did you get here, though?  How did you fuck up so bad in the past 24-hours that you wound up a thousand feet in the air, plummeting to your death? . . .


"I wonder how Killua is doing."

You had been lying on the ground - slacking off, really - with Bisky and Gon, staring lackadaisically at the sky as Gon continued to perfect his new nen ability.  You had done it earlier, training in enhancement, but had deemed a break absolutely necessary.  As long as Bisky wasn't yelling at you, it was fine, right?

Stopping what he was doing (trying to get his 'paper' to go out as far as he could), your friend shot you a pure smile.  "It's Killua, he'll become a hunter in no time!"

You had no doubt that he would pass, especially since his older brother wouldn't be interfering this time, and so you nodded, finally propping yourself up on your arms.  Like you, Bisky was laying on the ground lazily, giving Gon advice where it was needed.  Despite your group's misgivings at first, she was honestly a great mentor.  You hadn't been with your two friends at Heaven's Arena to meet Wing, but she had been much better than your previous mentor, who jerked you around with the fake fundamentals for two months before finally helping you out.

Now sitting up, you opened up your card binder to look at what you had currently.  Not a lot, if you were honest, as you kept giving your cards to Gon for him to hold onto.  With the boy going back to his training, you turned to your blonde friend.  "Since we weren't a part of the alliance, you don't think that bomber guy is going to seek us out, right?" you asked her.  Despite the threat, it didn't scare you.  Maybe it was foolish, but you and your friends had stood up to the Phantom Troupe and lived, so this guy didn't scare you at all.

Still, though...  I wish things would get a bit more exciting around here.

I'll fix that for you, [Y/n]!

A voice spoke up in your head, but by the time you had processed that wasn't your voice you had been distracted by a strange card in your binder that you had never seen before.  "Hey, hey, what's this?"

You could tell she was irritated by the interruption, but she peeked over and soon that irritation turned to confusion herself.  In the spell section of your binder lay a new card.  It was completely black, no description or number on it, save for the word "Departure".  You couldn't recall ever gaining it, and so seeing it in your inventory was, for lack of better words, spooky.

And so you took it out of the binder.

"What's that?"

Sidetracked from training, Gon had wondered over, curious himself as to what had taken up yours and Bisky's attention, and you showed him the blank card.  He seemed puzzled, although knowing him, it was probably because you and Bisky were so puzzled instead of the weird card itself.

"I'm not sure, but...  we can find out!" you said, holding the card in front of you.  Without any hesitation, you activated it, saying the name out loud as your mentor had immediately protested.

And...  nothing.

Was it a dud?  You weren't sure, but the card still lay in your hand, unmoving, and you sighed before shooting a grin to your friends.  "See?  Nothing even - oh."

Immediately, you felt weird, as if your heart had dropped into your stomach, and you looked down at the card to see a black hole of gas swirling around it, swallowing it up.  It didn't stop there, though, as the mass grew bigger, inking over your hands and arms at a quick pace.  Where the hole touched, your skin felt like fire despite the chills going down your spine.

Oh shit.

"What did I do?!"

Looking up at your friends with wide eyes as the hole had nearly swallowed you whole, the last thing you saw were their horrified faces, before you plunged into the abyss.

. . . Which leads you to now.  Tumbling through the sky as the ground grew closer and closer.  On instinct, you activated your ren.  You hoped that if you had your aura encompass your entire body, it would prevent you from impact, but you weren't too certain.  It was pathetic - you had passed the Hunter Exam, survived an encounter with the most notorious group of S-rank criminals, and had defeated various magical beasts, only to wind up falling to your death of all things.  What kind of hunter were you, to die at the young age of 16, soon to be 17?!

Squeezing your eyes shut, you tensed for impact, knowing full well you probably weren't going to make it.  Well, I hope Killua passed the exam this time.

And that was the last thought that went through your mind before everything went black.

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