[38] Friends

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"So you're from Freecss' hometown?"

Surrounded by students, Kurapika shot you an uneasy look, unsure how to handle everybody's nosy nature. It was a good thing Katsuki and Izuku weren't here, or else it'd be even more chaotic. Their fight had ended and both teens were in the infirmary, as per usual. Now, you all were back in the classroom, with you and your Kurta friend the center of attention. Ochaco, who knew the truth about your past, gave you a bubbly smile that made you realize that she was definitely going to be questioning the two of you later.

Swinging an arm around Kurapika's shoulder, the latter spluttering lightly, you grinned. "Yep! He's one of the strongest people I know!"

Shouto, who was off to the side, seemed skeptical. Him and Tenya had briefly met Kurapika, and both teens were staring harshly into Kurapika as if trying to decipher him. You tried to ignore them, feeling a tiny wave of anxiety roll through you. Hopefully they wouldn't approach and ask questions, you weren't sure you'd be able to dodge Shouto a third time.

The rest of the Bakusquad in particular were all interested in Kurapika, Mina wiggling her eyebrows. "So, are you and [Y/n] a thing? That would totally explain why she's rejected everybody else's advances!"

You and Kurapika had very different reactions.

Kurapika immediately flushed, denying Mina's invasive question as you laughed, nearly wheezing. Retracting your arm from Kurapika's shoulder, you had doubled over. "Oh god - Mina, why?!"

She joined you in laughter, nudging your side with her elbow. "Aw, I'm just kidding! I know you have only eyes for me anyways."

Deciding to play along, you gave her a wide grin. "I'm glad you know that I'll stay loyal to you, wifey!"

The two of you started laughing again, until a new voice spoke up from behind.

"Whoa, Freecss and Aishido? That's hot!"

You didn't have to look back to know that Hanta had immediately hit Minoru, taping his mouth shut in the process.

Good riddance.

After answering a whole lot of questions about his quirk, Kurapika had decided it was enough and had told everybody that he needed to leave. That meant you were going along, too, and after bidding everybody 'goodbye', the two of you had left the building.

"[Y/n], Kurapika!"

The two of you looked back to see Ochaco running forward, her cheeks a bit redder than usual. When she caught up to you, you gave Kurapika a sheepish smile.

"Um, don't worry, Pika. She, uh, knows about our world."

Kurapika gave you a disapproving stare in return, and Ochaco laughed cheerily, waving her hands around. "Don't worry, I haven't said a single thing to anybody, and only Deku and I know!"


Ignoring Kurapika's confusion, you laughed weakly. "Uh... Katsuki's figured it out, too...."


You winced at Ochaco's surprised yell, covering your ears in reflex. "He won't tell anybody, don't worry!"

"He's not the only one who figured it out."

That came from neither Ochaco nor Kurapika, and you three turned to see two more newcomers. Tenya and Shouto. You could feel your blood freeze, and Ochaco started to sweat, waving her hands around. "Th-there's nothing to figure out!" She tried to cover for you, but it was no use. Tenya and Shouto both looked serious, and you could tell they knew for certain. But how . . . ?

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