[16-20] Anthology

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[16] P.O.V.: Midoriya Izuku

He couldn't help but admire Freecss [Y/n].

Even now, as she trained hard for the sport's festival (was it really only a week away?!), she did so without faltering. She was stranded in another world with no clue how to get home, had faced hardships back in her world and here. All the while, though, [Y/n] continued to smile and stay bright, refusing to let life beat her down.

It was admirable, and Izuku hoped to one day be like that.

Looking down at his hero notebook, he paused in his sketch of [Y/n] in her hero outfit, a cheery grin on her face that seemed too static to match her real smile. Realizing he was lost in thought again about his classmate, his face erupted into a dark blush. At least it didn't happen in class this time — god, he was so embarrassed.

Leaning back, the blush slowly died down as a frown replaced his dreamy look earlier. Thinking about [Y/n] brought up bittersweet feelings. He was so glad to have gotten to know her; underneath the immature and rowdy personality, she was genuinely a good person, and unwaveringly loyal to her friends. However . . . This wasn't her world. Eventually, she'd have to go back home.

It was a subject that the curly-haired teen had mixed feelings about. He had grown attached, and no doubt would he cry when she left, but it was inevitable, wasn't it? His blossoming feelings for her aside, he could see just how sad she sometimes got. [Y/n] hid it well, but even she got down sometimes, homesick for a place she couldn't go back to at the moment.

This wasn't to mention her fondness for the people in her world. The way the otherworldly teen gushed about her friends and especially her little brother was enough to make anybody else feel just as happy. There's no way he could ever ask her to stay in this world — it was like asking him to leave his mom, and he could never do that!

Still... Once [Y/n] left, would he be able to see her again? Or would she be gone for good?

No use in worrying about it right now. Just like her, Izuku needed to be training — he couldn't let the others surpass him! Besides, he had to be prepared for the chance that he might have to fight [Y/n]. Nen and quirks didn't work the same, and despite his notebook, the concept of it all was a bit confusing. He may have a budding crush on her, but he could not allow that to get in the way of his victory.

Everybody would be giving it their all — and he, too, had to give it his all. If he didn't . . . Then how could he be a person for [Y/n] to rely on?


[17] P.O.V.: Bakugou Katsuki

As always, Bakugou Katsuki was annoyed. Not quite full-on pissed yet, but god, he was nearing that level as he continued to beat the ever-loving shit out of his punching bag. Maybe it was from the fresh defeat from the sport's festival (he may have won, but it truly was a defeat. That damned half-and-half bastard didn't take him seriously from the start!), or the upcoming internships that he had to decide on, but he had been more irritable as of late.

Case in point: [Y/n].

Really, she had done nothing wrong, even Katsuki could admit that. [Y/n] had given him a simple 'Good morning!'. That was all. And yet, seeing her smile and cheery demeanor had immediately put him in an aggravated mood, causing him to snap and immediately tell the [h/c]-haired girl to 'fuck off'. After that, she had responded in kind, telling him exactly where she was going to shove her foot, and it just escalated from there.

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