How you meet

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Shan yu:
You were a humble herbalist that lived on a mountain on the outskirts of the capital of China. You only came down to sell healing concoctions or pick up special herbs. You hardly ever saw anyone, so when you saw an unconscious body with a de-feathered bird fretting around it, it was quite a shock.

Upon further inspection, you could tell it was a male, who had severe burns, and several broken bones. You knew you had to help, but it was a matter of moving the rather large body without damaging him further. After a moment of thought, you came up with how you could do it.

After getting him to where he needed to be, the bird tentatively approached you and squawked weakly. You carefully picked him up, and he immediately took his place on your shoulder. You petted him lightly and started to carry the body to your shack.
It had been a couple of weeks since you had found the body, and most of the burns had healed, along with some of the bones. You were in the middle of changing his bandages when you heard a grunt, and the body shuffled around. You gently touched his shoulder, "you are not well, lay down and let me work." He laid back down, and you were met with piercing yellow eyes.

You continued to change his bandages, and when you were done, you asked his name. His reply was curt. "Shan yu." You nodded your head. "I'm (y/n)." You heard a grunt in acknowledgment. Then the Falcon walked in, with nearly all of his feathers back, he tilted his head and climbed on the bed. Shan Yu smiled slightly, and pet the bird. "Hello, Hayabusa."

You didn't entirely know what the future held, but knew it was going to be interesting as long as he was in it.

You were an outcast. A girl who wore pants, hunted, and could take most boys in a fight was not everyone's ideal lady. But you dealt with it, lived in the woods between a castle and a village named Conques. You saw people sometimes, mainly villagers who had gotten hurt in a hunt or gathering trip. So it wasn't a surprise when you found an unconscious body underneath a cliffside near the castle.

After determining he was alive, you quickly picked him up, with little struggle, and carried him to your cabin. You set his bones, patched him up, and started to make a stew with vegetables from your garden, and rabbits you had managed to shoot earlier in the day. After an hour, the man stirred and tried to sit up, only to fall back and grunt in pain.

You were quick to his side, ushering him to relax. He soon did, grumbling about how he didn't need to be coddled like a child, and you went to serve him a bowl of the fresh stew. When you turned back to face him, he had that look in his face that people often had when they saw you.

You gave him the stew, and he started to eat it with his good arm. After another moment, he started to speak. "So, who are you?" You smiled at him, "I'm (y/n), and yes, I'm a girl, yes, I'm wearing trousers, yes, I can take care of myself, I can hunt and garden, no, I wasn't forced to be a boy when I was younger, and I'm happy with where I am now. So what's your name?"

"Wow, you've done this a lot, haven't you? And I'm Gaston." He gave you a flirtatious wink and smile, and you inwardly facepalmed. This was going to be a long couple of weeks.

You were a poor mortal who had accidentally fallen into the River Styx. After what seemed like an eternity of tangling with the woeful souls of the dead, you had managed to grab onto a low-hanging branch and drag yourself out while simultaneously fighting off the clinging souls.

You hadn't been there too long before you saw something different in the river. It wasn't another human, nor was it an odd-looking soul. It was a god trying to fight his way out. You quickly went back to the branch, trying to extend it to him. "Up here! Grab ahold of the branch, I'll help you up!" You quickly got his attention, and he reached for the branch, almost not making it, but he grabbed it just in time, and then started the real struggle.

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