First kiss

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Shan Yu🪶:
It was a beautiful day. The earth smelled like rain from the storm the night before, the sun was shining, and Hayabusa was happily flying above head. But for me, it may as well have been the last day of my life.

"Medicine for the emperor, Shan Yu. The emperor! What if I can't make the right medicine? What if I don't make a strong enough dosage? The emperor could die at my hands!" I bit the nail on my thumb, pacing the front of the shop.

I felt Shan Yu's arms wrap around me. "Bunny, you'll have a conference to find out what's wrong, correct?" I nodded. "Then you'll be able to figure out what's wrong, how bad it is. And remember, the emperor is rather old, and sometimes this just happens to old people."

I looked him in the eyes, still freaking out slightly. "But what if-!" I stopped talking as Shan Yu's lips were pressed against mine. I froze for a second, but soon gently returned the kiss. Shan Yu pulled away and smiled at me.

"Are you calm now?" I nodded my head, shocked at what just happened. Shan Yu cupped my cheek in his hand. "Good, now don't worry about the what if's. You'll do your best, and that's all that matters." He kissed me again, then sat me down for dinner.

Gaston and I were returning from a very successful hunt. I had managed to get a rather large buck and about fifteen ducks. Gaston has gotten another buck, five geese, and a turkey. He held my hand as we pulled the last of the hunt into the room we used for skinning and feathering.

"You did wonderfully out there today beautiful." I smiled, blushing a little. "You didn't do so bad yourself handsome." Gaston smiled at me, and we decided to put the meat away and prepare it tomorrow.

We had some rabbit stew for dinner, then cuddled on the couch in front of the fireplace. It was an amazing day, and relaxing like this at the end of it was the perfect ending. After a few moments, Gaston broke the peaceful silence with a question I wasn't expecting.

"Hey (y/n)?" I looked up at him, and he cleared his throat nervously. "I was just wondering if I could, maybe, uh, kiss you? We don't have to if you don't want to of course, but..." he trailed off, obviously expecting me to say no. He looked at me, and I nodded my head, moving so it would be easier for him to kiss me.

He leaned forward and closed his eyes. I closed mine as well, placing my hands against his chest for balance. It only took a few seconds for our lips to meet, but it felt like an eternity. His lips were soft but slightly chapped, and the kiss was light and chaste. After a moment, Gaston pulled away and leaned his forehead against mine.

"Thank you, (y/n)..."

Hades 🔥:
Hades and I had decided to settle in a house on the outskirts of a small town a little ways away from Athens. It was a quiet life. We had a small garden filled with vegetables, and we made pottery together to sell at the market to make a little money.

Today was a day where we didn't need to harvest any vegetables, didn't need to make or sell any pottery. We could just relax and do whatever we want. We were just relaxing near a small stream when Hades grabbed my hands.

"Sunshine, have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" I giggled and nodded my head. "Well, I think it's time got me to remind you. Can I kiss you, sunshine?" I felt my face start to burn, but I nodded my head.

Hades slowly leaned in, and our lips connected. His lips were smooth and warm, and they seemed to fit perfectly against mine. After a moment, he pulled away and kissed my cheek. "You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen, (y/n)." I smiled again. "Careful Hades, Aphrodite might get jealous."

Hades laughed. "Who cares. If she does, I'll protect you." He kissed me again, and I melted into it, glad I had finally found someone who truly loves me.

Dr. Facilier 🪡:
We had finally gotten the last soul back into limbo. It had been a long journey, lasting almost an entire year, but now, it was over. I held Facilier's hand, noticing the worried look on his face.

"Is something the matter Facilier?" He looked at me, then sighed. "I just don't want to leave you (y/n). I've grown to really love you..." I smiled, emotions playing on my dead heartstrings like a guitar.

"Then prove to me, Facilier, that you love me enough to stay by my side through all eternity." He looked at me, then placed his hand on my cheek, gently caressing it. He leaned forward slightly, asking for permission. I nodded, and our lips connected.

His lips were warm against mine, and his kiss was hesitant, cautious. I smiled, and leaned into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck. We stayed like that for a moment, but Facilier pulled away, red dusting his cheeks.

"Is that proof enough for your doll face?" I nodded my head, relaxing into his chest, knowing that the council would come for us soon, causing issues.

Scar 🦁:
Scar was holding my hand, describing another starry night. He has taken to this when he learned that I had never seen a night sky. I relaxed into him, rubbing my nails on his back, then he stopped.

I felt him look at me, his hand moving from my hand to my face, his fingers gently caressing my cheek. I leaned into his touch, grabbing his other hand. "Is everything alright Scar?" I heard him sigh in content. "Of course, my queen. I just want you to know how much I love you." I smiled and kissed his palm.

I felt him put his forehead against mine. We stayed like that for a moment, and then Scar spoke again. "(Y/n), could I kiss you?" The question caught me off guard, and I felt my cheeks heat up. I gently nodded my head, trying to feel for his movement.

It only took a second, and I felt his forehead move off of mine before our lips connected. His lips were warm and chapped, and he was gentle, almost like he was ready to pull away at the slightest hint of rejection. I kissed him back, not sure if I was doing what I was supposed to.

After a moment, Scar pulled away, making me nervous. What if I did something wrong? But soon, his forehead was back on mine, giving me reassurance that I had done just fine. There was silence between us, but it was comfortable, and you could feel the love that night.

Cruell De Vil 🐩:
I was in the kitchen, waiting for Cruell to come over so we could have dinner together. I was making chicken stew, it being the only thing I could cook. I wasn't worried about getting the door as I had given Cruell a key to my house, and was more worried about my glasses fogging up.

I sighed as I wiped my glasses for what seemed like the millionth time, then heard the front door open. I checked the stew one last time, making sure it was done. Just as I finished tasting it, I felt familiar arms wrap around my waist. "Hello cutie, how has your day been?" I looked up at Cruell, smiling. "M-my day has b-been great Cruell. How a-about you?" Cruell smiled at me, pecking my cheek. "My day has gotten ten times better now that I have you in my arms." I blushed, reaching to grab the stew.

After we had got the table set, we sat down next to each other, holding hands as we ate. I listened as Cruell told me about his day, how he had finally got his break and was going to publish a winter catalog with some big company, about how he had the pleasure of outfitting a young girl for her fifth birthday, and how he saw the cutest little cat just outside his boutique window.

I watched the way his lips moved, how they seemed so inviting. Before I could process what I was doing, I was leaning forward. I closed my eyes and connected our lips. I could taste the stew on Cruell's lips, but I could also taste iron from the pins that he held in his lips while he worked, as well as chocolate.  He wasn't protesting, so we kissed for another second before I pulled away.

I could see pink dusting Cruell's cheeks, accompanied by a look of shock. It took another moment before I realize what I had done, but as soon as I realized it, my face felt like it was on fire, and I began to freak out.

"I-I'm s-so s-sorry C-Cruell! I-I, um, I..." My words fell flat as I tried to apologize, tears pricking my eyes.   I thought Cruell would yell at me, but soon, his melodic laughter filled the air. "Why are you apologizing dear? The kiss was a shock, sure, but a welcome one." Cruell leaned forward and kissed me again, finishing off his stew after.

I've decided to split the characters up so you guys can get chapters sooner. Enjoy!

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