Their nemesis finds out 3

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Bill Sykes💵:
I took a deep breath of the chilly fall air, sitting on a park bench as Rosco, Soto, and Sasha played near me. I pulled my coat tighter around me, closing my eyes for just a moment. I heard giggling after a minute and looked over at the three dogs.

I smiled as I saw them playing with Jenny, who was throwing a ball around. After she threw the ball again, she looked over at me and smiled, quickly coming to sit next to me.

"Hi Miss (y/n)!" I smiled back at her, making sure that the dogs weren't being too rough with her. "Hello Jenny, how are you?" She giggled as Soto brought her the ball and she threw it again. "I'm good, Mr. Fagin, and I came here to take a break before I had to go back to school." I nodded, reaching up to pet Rosco as he waited for Jenny to throw the ball again. "That's nice, I hope you do well in school." Jenny nodded but stared at my hand.

I followed her eyes and saw she was looking at my ring, the diamond glittering in the light. I smiled and moved my hand closer to her so she could see. "It's so pretty Miss (y/n)! Where did you get it?" I giggled, letting her touch it. "Mr. Sykes has asked my hand in marriage." Her smile here wider.

"Oh, that's amazing! I bet it's going to be a grand wedding!" I sighed and nodded my head. Jenny threw the ball one more time, then, who I assumed to be Mr. Fagin, cashed out for Jenny, as it was time for her to go back to school. She petted the dogs, bid me farewell, then disappeared. I sighed, then decided it was time to go home to relax with my fiancé.

I chuckled as Hermes trotted around me, his mane majestically flowing in the light breeze. Maleficent was sleeping peacefully in my lap, and although the air was brisk, it was relaxing.

Hermes suddenly looked over at the path, then ran to hide. I watched the path until queen Aurora appeared, a small smile on her face. I smiled back at her, but then held a finger to my lips, pointing at the sleeping Maleficent. She nodded and sat down next to me.

She smiled gently at me, then pointed at the ring on my finger. My smile widened, and I started to replay the scene of our proposal with some illusion magic.

I watched Aurora's face as she watched, and she seemed delighted about the outcome. After it was over, she gently touched my shoulder, congratulating me. We spoke through signals and magic, and she asked to be invited to the wedding. I nodded my head, showing her it plans so far for the wedding.

She nodded in agreement, then started to signal things she could bring, such as hair clips, a bit of makeup, and some food. I nodded gratefully, and we continued to discuss the wedding and plans for the future.

She told me, as it was almost time for her to go, that she was sorry for the original hostility she showed towards me and my beloved, but I could understand as he had cursed her and almost killed her.

I watched as she left, then looked towards Maleficent, who was still asleep in my lap. I giggled softly, then used some magic to get us to our bed for some proper sleep. Everything seemed to be going perfectly for now, and I couldn't wait to see what the future held.

Father Gothel🏵:
I laughed as Gothel chased me around, our little games of tag having become more frequent. I dashed onto a hidden path and almost bumped into a woman with extremely long golden hair, done neatly into a braid.

I was about to introduce myself to her but then felt a pat on my back. "Tag, your It (y/n)! Oh, Hello Rapunzel!" I sighed, and Rapunzel seemed shocked, but she quickly smiled at us.

"Sorry if I'm interrupting anything, but I thought it was finally time I came and looked at what you guys were doing." I nodded in understanding, Gothel having told me she was probably the ruler of the kingdom in this land now.

"Well, mostly we're just chilling. Entertaining ourselves, exploring, preparing for a wedding-!"

"Wait, a wedding?!" I smiled and nodded my head, showing off my ring. Rapunzel smiled, sighing. "Well, I can at least get you an officiant and bring a couple of witnesses. But I must know, how did you bring Gothel to life?"

I smiled and excitedly told her all about my experiments and the time travel, my studies into magic, and the people that were after us. Rapunzel seemed to hang my every word, apparently a lover of a good story.

Once I was done, she nodded her head, leaning against the tower. "I see, that must have been quite frightening for the both of you. It's a miracle you made it out alive." Gothel nodded his head. "Yes, and I fear there is one more thing I need to do before we can start a new chapter." I looked at Gothel quizzically, but he just looked at Rapunzel.

"I'm sorry, Rapunzel. I know you'll never forgive me, and I don't deserve it after all I've done, but I want you to know I am sorry." Rapunzel sighed, smiling but shaking her head. "I may never be able to forgive you, but I can move on. Just do better than last time."

Captain Hook🏴‍☠️:
It was late at night, and I couldn't sleep. The moon was bright, and I could hear the mermaids singing. It was peaceful, so I just sat on the deck, hoping I'd fall asleep soon. That was until I heard familiar laughter from beneath me. I stood up and went to look at the side of the ship, and saw Peter Pan smiling right at me.

"Hey (y/n)! How is everything?" I smiled gently as he flew up to me. "Well, a lot had gathered since I last saw you. James took me back to London to see my father, we got a dog named Logan, and James proposed to me."

I giggled as Peter looked at me shocked. "Ok, I have so many questions!" I nodded my head, signaling for him to continue. "You went back to London? When?" I sat back down, breathing in the salty air. "Well, it was almost six months ago, and Hook and I go back regularly to visit my dad." Peter nodded, seeming almost jealous.

"Secondly, a dog?" I head and called for Logan, who started to walk over. The crew had given him a peg leg so he could properly walk, but he still getting used to it. Peter smiled at him, petting him gently. "Hello, Logan." The dog smiled at him and rolled over so Peter could give him belly rubs, causing Peter to giggle.

Then he at me and sighed. "Ok, and he proposed to you?" I nodded my head and showed him the ring. He smiled so wide I feared he'd tear a muscle. "This is amazing! We almost never have a wedding in neverland! Everyone is going so excited!" I giggled and nodded my head, then was interrupted by a yawn.

Peter giggled again, then helped me up. "You better get to bed. I have to go tell everyone! No one's going to want to miss out on this!" I nodded my head and started towards the captain's quarters as I watched Peter fly off.

Shere Kahn 🐅:
I sighed as I finished my chores for the day, but jumped as I heard a knock on the door. I cautiously looked out a window to see who it could possibly be, then saw it was a little boy. I gently opened the door, trying to make sure Nimer didn't get out.

The boy smiled at me, then introduced himself. "Hi! I'm Mowgli, and I have a question." I nodded my head, introducing myself. "Hello Mowgli, I'm (y/n). How can I help you?" He seemed to grow nervous and took a deep breath.

"Well, I was near here a while back, and thought I saw you with a humanoid tiger that kinda looked familiar to me, so I was just wondering if his name was Shere Kahn?" I nodded my head, and he sighed again, then noticed the ring on my finger.

"Did that mean anything?" He pointed to it, and I showed it to him. "Yes, this symbolizes the love Shere Kahn and I have for each other." Mowgli nodded, then looked me straight in the eyes. "Are you getting married?" I nodded my head, he seemed pleased with himself.

"Ok! I've gotta go now, but can you tell Shere Kahn I'm sorry?" I nodded my head and watched him leave. It was only a moment later when Shere Kahn came back and I told of the interaction. He seemed shocked, but sighed, saying he'd try to get in contact with Mowgli soon.

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