They Ask You Out

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Ursul 🐙:
I was picking up my camp as I felt I had finally gathered enough evidence to present it to the king and queen. Ursul stood a little ways away, seeming to be very upset. I finished packing the tarp of my tent, then sighed as I looked towards him.

I walked towards him, then sat next to him. I looked at his face, but he refused to look at me. I sighed again, not knowing what to do. "Is everything alright Ursul?" He looked at me finally, then huffed. He grabbed my hand massaging circles into the back of it with his thumb.

We stayed in solemn silence, but Then Ursul spoke. "I don't want you to leave. I've grown attached to you, and I don't want to be alone again..." I stared into his sea-blue eyes. I noticed that they held so much pain and sorrow. I had never been god with emotions and often didn't notice other people's, but with Ursul, the pain was there, as clear and dark as a stormy sea.

I pulled him into a hug. "It'll be alright Ursul. Once I finish my presentation, which should only take a week at most, I'll come back, and we can continue to explore the mysteries of the sea together!" Ursul looked at me, then sighed, but a snap smile could be seen gracing his lips.

He grabbed my hands, looking me right in the eyes. "You promise, right?" I nodded quickly, and his smile got wider. "Ok, once you get back, we are going to go to a place I found a while back. It's absolutely beautiful, and I think you would love it. In the meantime, I have to finish brewing up those potions for us..." I didn't know what potions he was talking about, but he squeezed my hands a little tighter. "It's a date then!"

Ratigan 🐭:
I hummed in relief as Ratigan gently massaged my leg, the pain seeming to melt away. It was a relief to finally have someone to help me with the little things, and Ratigan was always so willing to help. I looked towards him, and he smiled up at me.

After another few moments of peaceful silence, Ratigan began to talk. "You know, there's this place that I found a few years ago that I think you would like. It's outside of town, a nice field of flowers. It's relaxing but I never really enjoyed it. Maybe I would of I had someone to enjoy it with?" I sighed in contentment, a gentle smile pulling at my lips.

"I would love to Ratigan." Ratigan pulled my skirt down past my knee again, giving me that debonair smile of his. "Splendid! And I will carry you so the way there if I have to." I playfully rolled my eyes, knowing Ratigan would do just as he said.

"Why don't we also pack a lunch while we're at it, a little picnic would be nice." Ratigan nodded and ruffled my hair. "You do realize this is a date, right?" I felt my face grow red, but slowly nodded my head. Ratigan laughed lightly. "Good, just wanted to make sure.

Clayton 🗡:
After several hours, Clayton and I had finally caught up to my grandfather. When we got there, he was fuming, yelling about how could they all be so stupid, how his granddaughter might be lost forever, how was he going to tell my parents? I lightly touched his shoulder, startling him, but he soon embraced me in a back-breaking hug. Clayton was quickly accepted into the group, and all seemed well.

It was dinner now, a measly biscuit and some chicken soup, but all seemed well. The men were joking around, laughing, and having fun, and I was content watching from a distance, relaxing in the heat of the fire. After a while, Clayton sat next to me, throwing his arm around my shoulder.

"It's quite the group you have here." I nodded, swallowing the last part of my biscuit. Clayton started playing with my hair, gently pulling it and twisting it around his fingers. "So, I was talking with your grandfather earlier, and decided to ask him a specific question. He said he was fine with it, I'd just have to ask you."

I looked at him quizzically, wondering what he possibly could have asked that he needed to ask my grandfather for first. He saw the confusion on my face, and cleared his throat, dropping my hair. "I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me when we get back to London. It wouldn't be anything too fancy, but I was just wondering..." His voice petered out as he seemed to not know how to continue.

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