First date- the rest of them

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Sorry guys! I'm still trying to figure this out, but I'll get into a routine eventually

Dr. Facilier:
We were at the parade, just quietly floating above. Well, I was quietly floating above as Facilier messed with props, costumes, and floats. I tried to rein him in, but eventually, he dragged me into it, saying, "Come on, just try to mess with someone a little bit! Loosen up and have some fun!" I sighed, looking around.

"Ok, who do you want me to mess with." Facilier's face grew bright with excitement, and he grabbed my hand while surveying the area. After a moment, he pointed to a male, 23 years of age, ogling girls from the sidelines and even catcalling them. "That one seems like he'd be easy for you to mess with." I nodded my head, let go of Facilier's hand, and started to approach my target. After a moment of thought, I knew what to do.

I grabbed the hat he was wearing and started to imitate the wind. He started to chase and I could hear Facilier laughing in the background. I got his hat in the street, and just as he was going to pick it up, a car ran over his hand. I made sure his voice was caught in his throat so he didn't alert anyone to his pain right away, and was quick to Facilier's side.

Facilier was practically doubled over in laughter at this point, and I let a small chuckle slip past as well. It took a few moments for him to calm down, but then he looked at me. "That was absolutely brutal doll face." I smirked. "He deserved it. No girl likes being catcalled." He grabbed my hand again, and sat us down on a float, finally ready to settle down and just enjoy the night.

We had made it to the hot springs before I remembered my fear of deep water. Scar seemed to sense my hesitation. "What's the matter?" He squeezed my hand, and I looked towards him. "It's nothing. Just promise to not let go of my hand." Scar squeezed my hand again. "Of course, I won't let you fall."

I soon felt the warm water envelope my feet and crawl up my body. Once it was up to my waist, Scar sat us down so the water was up to my chest. It felt relaxing, and Scar wrapped his arm around me, further giving me comfort. I did close to his body, trying to cuddle up to him, but not sure what his boundaries were. "This feels nice. Thank you for taking me here." I heard Scar chuckle. "Of course, anything for my blind beauty."

We spent the rest of the night quietly chatting and enjoying each other's company.

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