You meet their nemesis 1

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Shan Yu🪶:
I tried to catch my breath as I continued to laugh and grind away at the mortar and pestle. Shan Yu and I had been working all day, making medicines and cracking jokes, just enjoying each other's company.

It was about midday when we heard a knock at the door. I went to get it like I normally did, not wanting to risk Shan Yu getting caught, while he continued to work.

I opened the door to find empress Mulan at the door. She smiled at me as I kowtowed, and told me to rise. I smiled at her, slightly nervous as I knew her history with Shan Yu. "Can I help you, empress?" She nodded. "I have something important to discuss with you, my I come inside?" I froze, unsure of what to do. "Umm, well, your highness, my house is such a mess right now, and we can't have you twisting your ankle now, can we?" She smiled, pushing past me. "Nonsense, I used to be a soldier, a twisted ankle won't hinder me."

I freaked out as she came in, but relaxed slightly when I saw Shan Yu wasn't there. The house was a mess, so I didn't have to worry about that. She sat in front of one of the mortars and pestles. "Is this one of the medicines you're making?" I nodded my head, starting to relax, but that didn't last long as Shan Yu came back in.

He was looking down at some herbs, not noticing the situation. "Hey (y/n), is this the herb that needs to go in next? I can never remember..." he only looked up when he heard the empress's sword being drawn. She stood in front of me, obviously not rusty at all with her fighting skills. "(Y/n), stay behind me!" Shan Yu dropped the herbs and held his hands up in a sign of surrender. He looked at me, asking me what to do with his eyes.

I sighed, deciding to play this as cool as possible. "Yes, Shan Yu, that is the next herb." He nodded, cautiously picking up the herbs and going towards his mortar and pestle. Mulan looked at me in disbelief. "What is going on (y/n)." I sighed again, carefully choosing my words before I messed this up.

"As a healer, it is my job to help anyone injured or sick. I found Shan Yu close to death at the foot of my mountain and took him up here to heal. He stayed to help me and to pay off the debt he feel he owed. Our relationship has evolved from a feeling of mutual respect and judgment based on our current actions, not our past." The empress sighed, placing her sword back in her hidden hilt.

"What has it evolved to?"  I smiled, going to hold Shan Yu's hand. "We are courting each other." Mulan sighed. "As long as he isn't causing any trouble. Now, about what I needed to take to you about."

Gaston and I had finally made it to the village market. I had to convince him as he refused, thinking that everybody hated him and would attack him as soon as they saw him, it took nearly all morning, but I finally convinced him, saying I needed him to help me carry the groceries.

After we got to the edge of town, we ran into a small man named LeFou, who was wandering aimlessly. He looked at us and seemed shocked. "Gaston? Is that you?" Gaston smiled sheepishly and nodded. "It's me LeFou." LeFou smiled, almost laughing. "Gaston! I can't believe it's you! How did you survive? Where have you been?" Gaston smiled wider, reaching to hold my hand. "I wouldn't be here if this lovely lady hasn't found me and knocked some sense into me."

LeFou smiled, going to shake my hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, miss..." He stopped, not knowing my name. "(L/n). (Y/n) (l/n)." He smiled again. "Pleasure to meet you miss (l/n), thank you so much for helping Gaston. Is there anything I could do to help you?" I shook my head. "We're just going to get groceries." LeFou nodded. "Great! I can help carry them!" I laughed as LeFou started towards the market.

"He's quite lively, isn't he?" Gaston nodded. "He was my best friend. I missed him, and I think I owe him an apology." I smiled at him, squeezing his hand. I was glad that he had grown so much to realize he needed to apologize to some people.

Their Happily Ever After (Disney villains x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang