First kiss 2

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I sighed and impatiently tapped my foot. I had put Noya to bed almost an hour ago, when I was supposed to meet Jafar for a date. He was late. I was almost about to head inside when I heard quick footsteps and saw Jafar running around the corner.

I waited as he stopped to catch his breath in front of me. He looked at me, a nervous smile on his face. "I'm sorry I'm late my queen. There was a problem with one of the shipments..." I looked away from him, still mad at him. He seemed to catch onto my mood, so he grabbed my hands and made me look at him. "I really am sorry my desert flower, is there anything that I could do to make it up to you?"

I thought for a moment before I looked him in the eyes. "Kiss me Jafar." The request seemed to catch him off guard. He hesitated for a moment, but looked me in the eyes, a mischievous smirk soon growing. "Your wish is my command~..."

He started to lean forward, and I instinctively closed my eyes. It only took a second for our lips to touch, and when they did, I wanted to freeze this moment in time. His lips were chapped and warm, and his kiss was gentle and sweet. He pulled away after a second and looked at me with complete adoration.

"Are you still mad at me, my desert flower?" I smiled and shook my head. "Let's just get to the date Jafar."

Claude Frollo ✝️:
I finished the mending pile as I waited for Claude to return. He had left early in the morning, and momma said he had gone to do another prayer session. I was beginning to worry as Claude had been going on these prayer sessions more often. I sighed, then heard the door to my caravan open.

Claude rushed in, pulling me into a hug. "Wonderful news (y/n)!" I placed down the needle I was holding, not wanting to accidentally stab him with the tiny weapon. "What's the news, Claude?" He looked me in the eyes, His own sparkling with tears of joy. "I have received revelation, word from the lord. He has released me from my oath of celibacy!" Tears started to fall down his cheeks, and I gently wiped them away.

Claude took a deep breath and looked me in the eyes, hesitation swimming in his eyes. He cupped my cheek, rubbing gentle circles into it. "(Y/n), could I kiss you...?" I nodded my head. "You may kiss me, Claude." He leaned forward, and our lips touched fit only a few seconds. He pulled back, his face aflame. I smiled and pulled him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around my waist. "Thank you (y/n)..."

Ursul 🐙:
I rushed down to the beach, the most amazing news in my hands. Ursul was waiting for me like always, and as soon as he saw me, he picked up on my excitement, smiling at me. I jumped into his waiting arms, and he caught me with ease.

"Ursul, you won't believe it!" He smiled at me, already rubbing small circles into my back. "Believe what, my Pearl?" I smiled at him, buzzing with excitement. "I've been invited to become the royal scientist! It's all in this paper here!" I handed him the paper, and he started to carefully read it.

After a moment, he smiled. "That's amazing Pearl, I'm so happy for you! May I give your present for this amazing accomplishment?" I nodded, and his smile softened. "Close your eyes dear." I closed my eyes, and soon felt something against my lips.

I knew it was Ursul kissing me and gladly kissed back. I tasted sea salt and magic (don't ask how I know what that tastes like). After a moment, he pulled away and kissed the tip of my nose. I smiled. "That was a wonderful gift Ursul."

Ratigan 🐭:
I silently cried as Ratigan tried to comfort me, my leg was acting up particularly bad that day, to the point where I could barely think. Ratigan tried to comfort me the best he could, whispering words of encouragement to me, wiping away my tears.

I looked up at Ratigan, desperate for anything that would make it stop. "Ratigan, I can't anymore..." Ratigan sighed. "Just breath dear, everything will be ok." I nodded my head, feeling like any second I could pass out from the pain.

I took some deep breaths, the pain still there, and the tears seeming to come in a never-ending torrent. Ratigan held me close, being gentle yet firm. "(Y/n), could I offer a distraction?" I nodded my head, willing to do anything to get my mind off this pain. I closed my eyes as another twinge of pain shot through my leg, then there was something on my lips.

The moment I realized Ratigan was kissing me, the pain disappeared, the tears stopped, and all that was left, was me and Ratigan. He pulled away, smiling at me. "Now try and sleep, my treasure." I nodded, finding it easy to slip into a world of dreams.

Clayton 🗡:
Clayton had taken me out into the woods that bordered the edge of the city, saying he wanted to take me on an adventure that day. I gladly went with him, wanting to spend time with him. Currently, we were playing a game of cat and mouse, I was running, constantly looking behind me, but I couldn't see him anywhere.

After another moment, I felt something grab my arm. I knew it was Clayton, so I squealed in surprise and joy. Clayton pulled me into his chest, then laid us down on the ground. "You put up quite the fight, love." I giggled slightly, looking at him. Then I decided to try something risky.

"Hey Clayton, could you close your eyes for a moment?" Clayton looked at me skeptically, but obliged, closing his eyes. I took a deep breath, then kissed him. He didn't move for a second but soon kissed me back. The kiss was eager, yet gentle, and it lasted longer than I thought it would, but eventually, I pulled away.

Clayton cupped my cheek, brushing some hair behind my ear. "Wasn't I supposed to be the one to do that?" I laughed and snuggled into him. We stayed like that for a bit, just relaxing and enjoying each other's company.

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