A small surprise 3

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Bill Sykes💵:
I was currently in the hospital. I had been puking my guts out for the past few days, and the dogs seemed weirdly protective of me. Bill was by my side, holding my hand and nervously bouncing his leg.

Finally, the doctor came in with the blood test. "Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Sykes, you're going to have a baby!" I looked at Bill, who slowly turned to me, the biggest smile on his face. He pulled me into a hug, letting out a shaky breath.

After he finally let go of me, the doctor came closer to us. "Alright, would you like to discuss what is going to happen now? All the options you have regarding birth and care during pregnancy?" I nodded my head. "Please, doctor."


After another hour, we were finally back home, and the dogs were excitedly greeting us. They were careful around me, just gently rubbing against me, even if Sasha, who was now full grown, was still knocking me around a bit.

I sat down and started cooing at the dogs. "You guys knew, huh? You knew you were going to have a new baby sibling!" Bill laughed and scratched each dog behind their ears. "Good dogs, I know you'll treat them well." He sat down next to me and sighed.

We sat in silence for a moment, the dogs getting comfortable in front of us. But then nerves started to eat away at me. "Hey, Bill?" He turned to me, smiling gently. "Yes, love?"

"What if I'm not a good mother? I mean, I never thought I would be a mother! What if I mess up real bad?" I could feel tears burning in my eyes, trying to not cry.

"(Y/n), look at me." Bill cupped my cheek, his eyes filled with both love and worry. "I never thought I would be a father, but we are not alone. We will do this together, and I will help you in any way that I can." I nodded, and fell into him, sighing as a few tears fell from my eyes.

I sighed as I relaxed into the grass. Maleficent was grabbing lunch, having made it earlier in the day. The air was warm and I could hear Hermes trotting around somewhere close.

It wasn't too long until Maleficent came back, handing me my plate of food. But then, a look of confusion crossed his face. "Is something the matter, dearest?" I asked as Maleficent placed his plate down.

"Everything is fine my love, I just need to see something real quick..." I nodded my head, and he placed his hand on my lower stomach, before projecting what was inside with magic.

I gasped as I saw something small moving inside. I reached out to the protection, tears burning my eyes. I looked over at Maleficent, who seemed shocked. I placed my hand on his shoulder, setting my food down.

"Maleficent?" Finally, He turned to me. He had the biggest smile on his face, and then he practically tackled me in excitement. "We're going to be parents (y/n)! We'll have our own little faery! Can you believe it?"

I giggled, wrapping my arms around him. "I can't wait to meet them Maleficent. They are going to be amazing."

"They'll be the best little faery around, that's for sure. With my strength and your beauty, they'll be the most amazing faery in the land."

I nodded, pulling Maleficent closer and kissing him. "I love you, my faery king." Maleficent began to kiss me again. "And I love you, my beautiful faery queen."

Father Gothel🏵:
Gothel was currently out, getting groceries, so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to test my new experiment. I knew it wasn't perfected yet, but if it worked, it would bring a random object from the future back here. When it was perfected, I could be more precise in what I got.

I carefully placed the powder in the metal circle, then activated it. I waited as it sparked to life, and finally, out came a pink box. I cheered at my success and picked up the box. It was a pregnancy test.

I knew Gothel wouldn't be home for a while, so I decided to use it for fun. As soon as I was done, I placed it on a counter and went about doing other things.

I didn't remember it until Gothel came home and pointed out the box. "(Y/n), dear, what's this?" I looked over and remembered. "Oh, it contained a pregnancy test from the future!"

"You got your machine to work?!" Gothel exclaimed. I nodded my head, feeling the excitement all over again. "I even decided to use the pregnancy test, let me go grab it."

I looked at the results as I walked back to Gothel. I looked up at him and showed him the test. Gothel took it and looked at it. "It has two lines, what does that mean?"

"Gothel, my love, it means we're going to have a baby." He looked up at me in shock. "Really?" I nodded, and he pulled me into a hug. "I'm so excited my flower. A little bud of our own! We must get prepared right away!"

I giggled as Gothel started to pull out an old cradle, some toys, and various other baby items. He would be a good dad.

Captain Hook🏴‍☠️:
For some reason, fairies had been coming to our ship more often recently and paying special attention to me. I sighed as another fairy swooped around me, her bell-like voice tinkling in excitement.

"You know," Mr. Smee said. "It's said that if a pregnant woman is in neverland, the fairies will stay by their side and protect them!" I turned to him in shock. "Really?" He nodded his head, then I turned to the fairy.

"Hey, am I pregnant? One nod for no, two for yes." I watched carefully as the fairy nodded twice, my jaw dropping in shock. The fairy giggled, then circled around me.

"Congratulations (y/n)! How exciting! There hasn't been a child born in neverland before!" Mr. Smee exclaimed, then started to walk around, making a list of things we would need for the baby. I took a deep breath, then started to try and find James, the fairy never leaving my side.

He was in our quarters, looking at his maps. Before I could get a word out, the fairy went to him and started jingling at him. "Really? Are you sure?" James said after a moment. The fairy gave him an affirmative, and he looked at me.

"(Y/n), did you know?" I took a deep breath, feeling nervous. "I just found out a few moments ago." James laughed, pulling me into a hug.

"This is amazing! We will have to tell your father immediately! He will be so excited!" I watched in amusement as he started to pace around the room, listing all of the things he would need to do to prepare.

The fairy landed on my shoulder, seemingly laughing. I sighed, then broke off a piece of cookie that was on James's desk. "Thank you for letting me know." The fairy took the small offering, and jingled at me what I assumed to be a, "You're welcome."

Shere khan🐅:
It was a normal day in the jungle, but Shere Kahn seemed to be troubled by something. He had been for the past couple of days, and he was being more clingy than normal, which was saying a lot.

Finally, I couldn't take it. "Shere Kahn, my love, my dearest, my star in the night, what in the ever-loving jungle rain is going on?" He sighed, his face pensive.

"I don't know exactly, but your scent has changed. I know I've smelt this kind of change before, but I can't place it..." I sighed, placing my hand atop his head.

"Alright, let's try to narrow it down. Have you smelt it on everyone or just a specific group?"

"Just females, I think."

"Ok, was the change permanent?"

"No, it turned back to normal after a while?"

"Ok, do you know how long it took to change back to normal?"

"I think maybe 8 or 9 moon cycles..."

I thought for a moment, trying to fit the pieces together, until...

"Shere khan, when the scent went back to normal, did the female come back with a baby?" It seemed to dawn on him as well, and his tail started to flick back and forth rapidly.

"Yes, they did!" He smiled up at me, his hand on my stomach. "Does that mean Nimer will have a baby brother or sister?" I nodded my head, and he laughed. "This is amazing! I can't wait to meet them!"

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