First kiss 3

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Bill Sykes 💵:(pic above is him, I know it's not Disney version, but I think this is better, and it came up when I searched for fan art of him)
I sighed as I took Rosco and Soto off their leashes and they bounded into the house. I set their leashes in the basket near the front door, then made my way into the living room. The fire was roaring in the fire place, and Bill was there reading the newspaper. He rarely smoked anymore, which I was grateful for. Bill looked up at me and smiled. "Welcome home love, how was the walk?"

I smiled back at him, going to sit in the chair next to him. "It was relaxing." I went to sit down, but then Bill motioned for me to come near him. I gave him a questioning gaze, but followed direction. Once I was infinity off him he stood up and turned on the radio. Music cracked in and he grabbed my hands and pulled me into a dance. I smiled and followed his lead.

After a moment, Bill made me look him in the eyes. "You know (y/n), I never got to tell you how beautiful you are." I blushed at the compliment, going to thank him, but then his lips met mine. We stopped dancing, and I kissed him back. He pulled away after a moment and smiled down at me. "You are the most beautiful person I've ever seen." I smiled and buried my burning face in his chest.

Maleficent 🥀:
I smiled as I cuddled with Maleficent, his arms around my waist and my head on his chest. He ran his fingers through my hair, and was humming a soft lullaby. It had been a long day, so we were relaxing.

Maleficent's eyes were closed, and his guard was completely down, which was rare, so I wanted to relish this moment. I listened to the lullaby and focused on the hand playing with my hair, and everything just seemed so perfect.

After another moment, I found my resolve to make a move. I pulled myself up slightly, causing Maleficent to call my name in a whiny voice. I smiled, then placed my lips on his. I pulled away quickly, looking at Maleficent's flushed face. We stayed like that guy a moment, but then a wicked smile grew on his face.

"Well dear, that certainly was a welcome surprise." He then pushed himself up and kissed me again. The kiss left me breathless, and ended all too soon. Maleficent smiled at me, then laid me back down.

Father Gothel 🌼:
I laughed, out of breath as I ran through the field. I looked behind me to see Gothel hot on my heels. We were playing a game of tag, one that I had childishly started. I made my way towards the tower once more, but then found myself being tackled to the ground.

I laughed again and turned into my back. Gothel was still on top of me, out of breath with his long, curly hair cascading over his shoulders, tickling my cheeks due to how close our faces were. Neither of us seemed to mind though, and I reached up to caress his cheek.

He placed his hand over mine, and looked me in the eyes, a small smile adorning his lips. Before I knew it, he was leaning down, and our lips were brushing together. He looked at me for permission, and I nodded my head. I closed my eyes, and he kissed me. His lips were warm, and his beard tickled my chin.

He pulled away after a moment, the sun behind us illuminating his handsome face. "I love you, (y/n)." I smiled at him, pulling him into a hug. "I love you too, Gothel."

Captain Hook🏴‍☠️:
"James!" I called it the pirate captain's name, trying to find him for dinner. I knocked in his quarter doors and heard a muffled, "Go away!" I sighed. "I'm coming in James." I opened the door and found James in his bed pouting.

I sat down next to him and placed my hand in his back. "What's the matter James?" He sighed and looked at me. His cheek was encrusted in blood. I gasped. "James, what happened?!" James took my hand in his, grimacing. "Pan got the best of me today." I sighed, rubbing small circles into the back of his hand.

James seemed really upset so I cupped his cheek and rested my forehead against his. He looked at me, and then I kissed him. There was no hesitation, no doubt, I just kissed him. James seemed shocked, but he kissed me back.

I pulled away after a moment, and he smiled at me. "Thanks love."

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