They give you a special presnt 4

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Before we get started, I woods just like to ask you guys to go take a look at my newest fic. It is Naruto right now, but it is going to be a series going over many different fandoms, so please go check it out. Also, since I have finished my Bill cipher fic, I will be starting another one. It is a Snape x reader, so please go check it out if you want to. Anyways, on to the chapter!

I groaned as bright morning sunshine filled my eyes. I sat up and looked around for Mitch, but I couldn't see him anywhere. I sighed and got up, stretching and trying to keep my hair out of my face. I made my way to the kitchen where I saw Ava.

"Ava, have you seen Mitch anywhere?" She smiled at me. "Well good morning to you too. And last I checked, he was in the backyard." I nodded, yawning, and went to hug her. "Thanks, Ava, I love you." She immediately pushed me off, laughing. "Whatever dork, go find your man."

I giggled and made my way to the backyard, wondering why Mitch was in the backyard. I opened the back door and saw him talking to something in the grass. He heard me behind him, and he looked at me smiling, motioning for me to come and see whatever it was he was talking to.

I carefully approached to see him petting a small fox. The fox was wriggling around, obviously eating up the attention. "She's so cute (y/n)! I was hoping to keep her and give her to you as a present." I smiled and pet the fox.

"She is cute. We can keep her and call her Felicity." Mitch hugged me and whispered in my ear. "That's perfect cutie pie, and I also have another present for you."

I sighed in contentment as I finished my meal. Turbo has gone out to try and make amends with President Venelope, especially now that she was going to a different game. I personally thought it was a little hypocritical, but whatever.

I took a deep breath and started to get up, going to the entrance of the mansion to go for a walk and Wait for turbo. I took a deep breath as the mint smell of the candy cane forest filled my nose. The whole scene was relaxing.

Before long, I was back where I started. Turbo was there with something made out of gummy candy. "Turbo, what's that?" Turbo smiled at me, bringing the animal closer to me.

"It's a gummy bear! Do you like it?" I came close to the bear, and let him sniff my hand. He immediately cuddled into me. "He's amazing Turbo. Can we call him Ursa?" Turbo smiled at me and hugged me.

"Of course! Ursa is a great name!" Turbo suddenly became quiet, smiling slightly. I bit my lip nervously, looking at him. "Is everything alright Turbo?" He sighed, looking at me.

"Of course sweetums, I just realized how timely lucky I am to have you. I mean, I probably would have gone insane if you hadn't found me! So I just want to let you know how much I love you." I smiled and hugged Turbo. "I love you too, my dearest."

Turbo sighed, turning to face me. "Then I hope you'll really like this next present."

John Silver 💎:
I laughed as the kids jumped and climbed all over me. John had gone to get the groceries, and I was having fun with the kids before sending them to do their chores. I sighed as John came home and I sent the kids to do their chores.

I kissed him and grabbed some of the groceries he was holding and put them on the table. "I hope you don't run into too much trouble." John shook his head. "Everything went fine, my star. I even managed to get something extra!" I raised a brow at him as he pulled something from behind his back.

It was a purple-colored blob. "This here is a small shape shifter. I had one before but gave it to Jimbo. I was thinking you could name her." I gently let the small blob as she took the shape of a little me. "Let's call her Chitauri!" John smiled at me, pulling me closer to him. "It's a perfect name starshine."

We cuddled for a minute until we heard the kids giggling. John sighed smiling. "I hope you know how much I love you (y/n). I've never really felt something like this, and I don't want it to ever end." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"I've never felt anything like this either John." He smiled at me and kissed the top of my head. "Then I hope you like this next present."

Alameda Slim🤠:
I grunted as I finished tying off a new fence. Alameda was busy helping a farmer with his harvest. The sun was finally setting on this scorching day. I looked over and could see Alameda riding on his Buffalo. He seemed to be cradling something in his arms, so I was quick to meet him.

He stopped right next to me and slid down. "I got you a present (y/n)!" I smiled as he handed me whatever was in his arms. I nearly fell as a baby Buffalo was placed in my arms.

Alameda laughed, watching as I put her down on the ground. "Sorry love. We found her abandoned in the middle of the corn field, and I thought you Would like her." I smiled. "I love her Alameda. I'll call her Tiva." Alameda smiled at me and kissed my cheek. "That's a great name love."

We got both buffalos to the sheriff's office, and I sighed as I popped down into the chair. Alameda sat in the chair in front of me and sighed as well. He smiled at me and grabbed my hand.

"I have one more present for you, my love."

I bit my lip as I finished healing prince Klaus and some soldiers. Some rouges had tried to break into the castle, and prince Klaus led the charges against them. Healing them had taken nearly all of my energy. I sighed as I went to meet Hans at the front gate, feeling faint the entire way.

I smiled as I saw him carrying a small person in his hands. I looked at him quizzically and he smiled at me. "(Y/n), my dear witch, I have something for you!" He came up to me and showed me the tiny person.

"Our voyagers brought him back from the new world. The natives called him a Gahe. They said he heals people, so you don't have to worry so much about using all your energy to heal people." I nodded, sighing lightly. "Thank you, Hans. I'll call him Lenus." Hans smiled, then picked me up and brought me back inside.

He smiled at me and kissed my forehead. "I hope you aren't too tired for another present dearest."

Their Happily Ever After (Disney villains x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt