Proposal 2

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I looked at Jafar, curious at what he could possibly have more for me. Noya seemed to get more excited as she held Tali, looking at something that Jafar held behind his back.

I sighed and grabbed his free hand. "What is it Jafar?" He smiled at me, then kissed my knuckles. "If it weren't for you (y/n), I would have still been stuck in that lamp, in that cave, for who knows how long? And you didn't want anything more than you already had, you just wanted your sister to be happy and healthy. And then you freed me."

He took a step back and pulled a ring behind his back. It was a thick gold band with a scarab in the middle, made out of ruby and black tourmaline. Jafar smiled at me, taking a shaky breath. "The Ruby represents nobility, passion, and purity. Tourmaline is said to drive away evil energies and spirits. This ring represents my love for you."

He grabbed my hand, gently massaging it as he tried to calm his nerves. "I know I'm not the best man (y/n). I work too much and have a hard time showing my true emotions, but I hope that despite all my flaws, you will allow me to marry you?"

I smiled, nodding my head quickly. "I will Jafar, gladly!" Jafar smiled at me, then slipped the ring onto my finger. He admired it for a bit, then pulled me into a kiss. I melted into it, but we eventually had to pull away.

As the world slowly faded back in, I could hear Noya celebrating. "Did you hear that Tali? I'm going to have a brother-in-law! (Y/n) is finally going to get the Happily ever after she deserves!" I giggled and looked at her. "Come here, Noya." She came and hugged me, then went over and hugged Jafar. Joy filled our home, and our hearts, and seemed to almost burst out everywhere.

Claude Frollo✝️:
My family all gathered around, whispering in excitement, and Claude seemed to grow more nervous. I grabbed his hand, and he took a deep breath, smiling at me.

"(Y/n), if it hadn't been for your kindness, I would be dead by now. You took me in and nursed me back to health. You taught me to dance, cook, and find joy in almost everything. I didn't realize how lonely I was before, but after spending time with you and your family, I finally feel at home. I don't know why you did it, but you saved me. So I have a very important question to ask you."

He got on one knee and pulled out a ring. It was simple, a gold band with stars carved into it, and small, blue gems set in the middle of the carvings, and I recognized it immediately. Claude chuckled, grabbing my hand. "I talked to your mother about this beforehand. She said this is the ring that your father used to propose to her, and his father used to propose to your grandmother, and on and on. And now, I want to use it to propose to you. So, will you marry me, (y/n)?"

I quickly nodded my head, and Claude quickly put it on my finger. He pulled me into a hug and placed a chaste kiss on my lips. I smiled, glad that I could finally be joined together with my love.

I looked up at Ursul as the waves gently moved around us, my face flushing from his words. I quickly looked away, smiling so wide my cheeks started to hurt, and gently pet the hippocamp. "I love you too, Ursul."

I felt him grab my chin gently, making me look at him. "(Y/n), in all my life, I've never felt loved, so I closed my heart to the world. If no one would be kind to me, why should I be kind to them?" He took a deep breath, sitting down in front of me.

"Then You nudged your way into my life. You only looked at me with joy and curiosity, and eventually love. You never saw me as a monster, you just wanted to know more about the world." He seemed to get more and more nervous with every word he spoke, then pulled another thing out of his satchel.

It was a ring, made of gold, with a pearl in the middle, and little pieces of coral surrounding it. "I've been working on this ring for three months now. I thought the hardest part would be getting the gold into the right shape and size, but the hardest thing is the question that goes with this ring."

He went silent for a moment, and I grabbed his free hand. I smiled at him, and he smiled back, though it was a little shaky. He took another deep breath, then looked me right in the eyes. I was once again swept away by his stormy grey eyes, showing love, nervousness, and a little bit of fear.

I squeezed his hand in reassurance. "Whatever it is you need to ask, go ahead. I've asked you plenty of questions." Ursul chuckled, shaking his head slightly. "Right, well then..." he took another deep breath, then held out the ring and smiled at me.

"(Y/n), you've made me the happiest I've been in years, so would you do the honor of making me even more happy and marry me?" I nodded my head and pulled him into a hug, making sure not to squash Letitia. "I will Ursul, gladly!" He hugged me back, nuzzling into my neck.

I looked at the boys behind us. Some looked overjoyed and excited, while others looked disgusted and uncomfortable. I giggled lightly, then focused back on Ratigan. He took a deep breath as he got on one knee, and I understood.

Tears sprung to my eyes as he pulled out a velvet box, gently opening it to reveal a stunning ring. It had a rose gold band that held up a small sapphire jewel, surrounded by smaller rubies to provide a brilliant contrast.

"(Y/n), you've shown me a path where I can truly be happy by letting me into your life. I hope you will continue to let me be in your life, not just as your boyfriend, but as your husband. So, (y/n), will you marry me?" I nodded my head as tears fell down my face. I couldn't speak as he put the ring on my finger.

He pulled me into a hug, and then the boys surrounded us, including my brother. I smiled at Ezekiel as he hugged me. I was quick to return the hug, and he kissed my cheek. "Congratulations (y/n)! I'm so happy for you! And mom and dad are too!" I sighed in excitement, already planning the wedding in my head.

The rest of the day, the boys just wanted to know more about love, how marriage worked, and how Ratigan and I knew we loved each other. I was happy to answer the questions, and Ratigan was glad he was able to take a break from teaching the rambunctious boys.

I smiled as Anthony curled against my chest, sleeping soundly. It had been only two weeks since we had returned home, and my fever had quickly gone down.

Clayton had went to grab something, but he said he'd be back soon. I took a deep breath and looked out the nearest window. The sun was setting, and the garden outside the window looked absolutely lovely. I took another deep breath, and then Clayton was back.

He smiled as he kneeled in front of me. "I don't know if you remember, my love, but I promised that I would give you this present when your fever was gone." I nodded, smiling at him. He pulled out a ring.

It was a silver band with yellow gems in the shape of a flower. "This gift is not only material, but it residents My love for you, and the desire to keep loving you. (Y/n), with this ring, I would like to marry you. So, will you let me?"

"Yes, Clayton, I would be happy to!" I gently set Anthony next to my teacup and pulled Clayton into a kiss. He slid the ring on my finger, admiring it.

"I'm so lucky to have you (y/n). I don't know what I'd do without you."

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