You meet their nemesis 3

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Bill Sykes💵:
I was taking Rosco and Soto on their evening walk, taking a different route from normal. We were in a slightly run-down part of town when Rosco and Soto started acting weird. They started pulling on their leashes, trying to get me to go somewhere other than I had planned. I decided to follow them.

They led me to an ally way where I could hear a little girl crying. Dread filled my stomach, and I knew I had to help her. "Hello? Are you ok?" I scanned the ally way and saw a little girl with tear-stained cheeks peeking out from behind a dumpster. I smiled gently at her, crouching down to not scare her. Rosco and Soto sat next to me, tilting their heads and panting. I asked again, "Are you ok?"

The girl shook her head. "No, I'm lost..." she came out from behind the dumpster and came towards me. I frowned. "That's not good. Could you tell me where you live? I might be able to help you find your way home. My names (y/n) by the way." The girl nodded her head, telling me her address then introducing herself. "I'm Jenny."

I nodded. "Well Jenny, you live quite far away, much too far to walk, but my boyfriend and I don't live too far from here, and he has a car that we can use to get you home." Jenny nodded her head and took my hand in hers. I stood up and started to lead the way, Rosco and Soto excitedly running around us.

We quickly made it home, and I let Rosco and Soto off their leashes, calling for Bill. Bill came and stared at the girl clinging to my arm, who seemed absolutely terrified of the man in front of us. I tried to calm her down by patting her head, and she relaxed a like bit.

"Bill, this is Jenny, she got lost and needs help getting back home, could you drive us? It's far away." Bill sighed and nodded, grabbing his keys and opening the door for us. I smiled down at Jenny, and we were off, soon getting Jenny safely home.

As we pulled in front of the mansion she lived in, we saw a butler and a homeless man freaking out in front of it. Jenny quickly got out of the car, and the two men seemed relieved. They embraced her tightly, and I smiled, looking at Bill. "I can't wait till we have children."

Maleficent 🥀:
I took a deep breath and tried to calm down. Queen Aurora was coming today as she heard of my incredible magic abilities. The three good fairies had told her of my progress, though they were a bit worried about how far I had progressed in such a short amount of time.

Maleficent had gone off to look for some steel books he had hidden a long time ago, and I didn't expect him back until tomorrow. I straightened my skirt and waited.

It was only another minute or two before the Queen came, smiling gently at me. I curtsied, then led her into the back garden where I began to show her my magic.

After an hour, I had finished my presentation. The Queen seemed delighted, and started to talk to me about his my magic could help the kingdom. I smiled and nodded, getting rather bored with the whole thing, until I heard the fishing of wings behind us. The Queen's face fell in shock, and I knew who it was.

I turned around and smiled at Maleficent, glad he was home. "I wasn't expecting you home until tomorrow love." Maleficent smiled at me, the Queen nearly forgotten. "I found them dinner then I thought I would. They'll be a great addition to our library." He kissed my temple, and the Queen cleared her throat.

"I hope you know I'm going to have to tell the other fairies about this." I moved my head, knowing I was about to get an earful tomorrow. But I didn't care, I was just glad to have Maleficent back home.

Father Gothel 🌼:
The men in white robes had found us and chased us to the ruins of a once-grand palace. Gothel looked at me, fear and worry evident on his face. The men in white robes were right in front of us, and I knew what I had to do. I reached into my bag, then, taking a deep breath, I pulled out a glass bottle filled with a golden liquid.

Gothel looked at me, knowing what I wanted to do, and nodded his head. I pulled the cork off with my teeth, then smashed the bottle on the ground. The men yelled as golden plumes surrounded us. I held on tight to Gothel and then felt weightless as the potion took effect. I closed my eyes and waited for it to be over.

After I felt my feet touch the ground again, I opened my eyes and looked up at Gothel. He smiled at me, and I started to look around. The castle had been rebuilt, proving that we had gone into the past like intended. No one was around at the moment, so we were able to relax. The peace only lasted a moment before we heard a timid voice say, "Gothel?"

I looked over and saw a young woman with impossibly long blonde hair staring at us. Gothel cleared his throat before saying, "Hello Rapunzel dear. How are you?" Rapunzel steeled her gaze, gritting her teeth. "Get out of here before I call the guards." Gothel nodded, smiling at her. "Thank you, dear!" And we were off.

After we ran out of the castle and into the woods that led to our tower, e we stopped a moment, and I looked at Gothel. "So, who was she?" Gothel looked at me, twisting his beard in his fingers. "That was my daughter with the magic hair."

Captain Hook 🏴‍☠️:
The lost boys had decided to attack the Jolly Roger today, and everyone had been fighting for about fifteen minutes. I was in the crow's nest, not wanting to fight, so I watched from afar.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, then felt someone boop my nose. I opened them to see Peter Pan smiling at me. "Hey (y/n)! We've come to rescue you from these stinky pirates!" I shook my head, smiling lightly. "I appreciate it Peter, but I'm staying here."

Peter looked at me shocked. "Why would you want to stay here?" I was about to answer him, but he had to fly away as James swiped his sword at him. "Leave my treasure alone Pan."  I giggled a little and watched the fight take place.

Peter Pan and the lost boys eventually fled, leaving the pirate crew to clean up in their wake and a very pouty James.

Shere Kahn 🐅:
I laughed as Shere Kahn snuggled into me, his tail lazily wagging from side to side. We were hanging out by the river again, it was sunny after having rained last night, and it just seemed to be perfect all around. 

We stared where we were until we heard a young man's voice call out to other people. "It'll be fine! I know this jungle like the back of my hand! Just over here should be a river, and beyond that is an abandoned hut!" Shere Kahn looked over at the other side of the riverbank, then out came a young man.

Shere Kahn growled, catching the boy's attention. The boy seemed surprised, but then he gleefully smiled and waved at us, telling the group of kids that it was getting late and they should probably head back to the village. As the other kids disappeared back into the foliage, the young man looked back, mouthing, "Sorry!" And rushing after them.

I looked at Shere Kahn, gently putting his head. "Do you know him?" The tiger man sighed, stretching his legs and sitting up. "That's the boy who set the jungle on fire."

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