They meet your family 1

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So for certain characters like Facilier and Scar, this chapter will be inapplicable, as your family is dead or otherwise in unmeetable. I will put a list of characters that this chapter will not apply to at the top. So for this chapter it will be: Dr. Facilier and Scar. I will try to come up with something different for them though.
Shan Yu🪶:
I was exhausted. I had just got back from trying to cure the emperor, which I was unfortunately unsuccessful in doing. As the emperor had no biological heirs, he stated that he wanted general Li Shang and his wife Fa Mulan to become the emperor and empress. After the coronation, it was back to my hut on foot. I had barely gotten home to my wonderful lover, and then I got news that my parents were on their way.

As Shan Yu and I tried to figure out how we were going to break the news to my parents, the door burst open and I heard my mother's voice calling out to me. "Oh (n/n), how are you my beautiful daughter!" She wrapped me in a bone crushing hug, but her attention was soon directed to Shan Yu. Her arms tightened even more around me if that was even possible, and glared right at him.

My father soon came in and thankfully got my mother off of me, but he too was wary of Shan Yu. My lover stood awkwardly, and I had to break the tense silence. "Mom, dad, this is Shan Yu. He's my lover." My mom looked at me in shock, and dad just seemed relieved that he wasn't going to hurt us. My mom grabbed my arms and looked me straight in the eyes.

"(Y/n), has he threatened you in any way? Is he keeping you hostage? Blink twice if he's keeping you hostage!" I stood still for a moment before bursting out laughing. "Mom, don't worry so much. He isn't keeping me hostage. Shan Yu is actually very helpful, and I love him very much." Mom sighed. "Alright dear, just as long as you promise." I smiled at her. "I promise mom."

I looked back towards Shan Yu and my dad, who were already getting along, thankfully. Mom and I joined them, and for the rest of the day, my parents got to know the love of my life, and it was a good day.

Gaston 💪🏼:
It was early in the morning, and while Gaston was still sleeping, I was outside the cottage waiting for my father to arrive. Gaston knew he was coming, but I didn't want to wake him up as he had been stressing about it all night. I was polishing my gun when I heard the familiar clopping of horses hooves.

My father was soon in the clearing, tying his horse to a tree. I went to greet him, and he pulled me into a hug. "(Y/n), my precious daughter, how are you?" I smiled up at him, glad to see him after almost a year. "I'm well Father, how was your trip?" My father laughed, guiding me back into the house. "It was amazing, I have so much to tell you!"

We entered the cottage, and Gaston was up, making breakfast. My father looked at me. "(Y/n), who is this?" Gaston looked at us, caught off guard, but soon regained his composure and came to greet my father. "I'm Gaston, it's a pleasure to meet you sir." Gaston extended his hand for my father to shake, my father quickly returning the gesture.

"Who is he to you (y/n)?" I smiled, going to Gaston's side and holding his hand. "Gaston is my best friend, and my lover." My father nodded. "Treat her well Gaston, or I'll be hunting some different game." Gaston nodded, and my father smiled. "Now, what's for breakfast?"

Hades 🔥:
I sighed as I waited in the stall to sell some of the pottery. It had been a slow day, and Hades had disappeared some where, but I could see him coming up the road with a young lady that seemed familiar. He was in his human disguise, and I recognized the girl.

As they came closer, I called out my sister's name. "Thalia?" She looked up at me, then rushed towards me, throwing her arms around me. "(Y/n), where have you been? I missed you so much!" I hugged her close. Hades looked at us, and I smiled at him. I pulled away from Thalia, turning my attention to Hades.

Their Happily Ever After (Disney villains x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon