Human!shere kahn🐅

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I'm putting this in modern times so I don't have to explain why they have the technology they do, but it does take place right after the fire.

How you meet:
I sighed as we brought our first animal. I was part of an endangered animal protection program, and the government had given us experimental technology to try and save animals. The one that was just brought in was a tiger, near death with burns and severe gashes that were constantly bleeding.

We placed him under the machine, which was supposed to heal his wounds as fast as possible, almost fifty times the normal rate, and save his life. I was in charge of turning the machine on and then making sure the animal was fit for release after. I flipped on my face shield, making sure everyone else was out of the room. I flipped the switch and watched as a beam engulfed the tiger. It got brighter and brighter, making me close my eyes.

When the light finally died down and I looked at the tiger, there wasn't a tiger anymore, at least not entirely. There was a man with orange and white hair, with small triangular ears on top of his head and a matching tail sprinting out of his back. He was completely nude, causing me to look at the window. "Someone get me some clothes!"

My yelling seemed to wake him up, as he started to stir. He looked at me, his face going white with fear. He opened his mouth, muttering a frightened, "hello?"

Getting to know each other:
After someone got me clothes to cover the poor man, tiger, creature? I went inside the containment chamber approaching him cautiously. He scrambled as far away from me as possible, so I kept my distance for the moment. I crouched down, making myself seem smaller, less of a threat, so he wouldn't be so scared.

"Hello, can you understand me?" I looked him in the eyes, and he nodded his head. He opened his mouth, then closed it, as if he was struggling to speak. " me?" I inched closer, watching for his reaction. "We didn't mean for this to happen. We were just trying to keep you alive." He looked at his hands, which were shaking ever so slightly. "I was...dying?" I nodded again. "Yes, we don't know how this happened, and all we can do for now is try to keep you safe and comfortable."

He pursed his lips, getting more anxious, so I decided to introduce myself to distract him. "My name's (y/n). Do you have a name?" He looked at me, still wary, but he was keeping me get closer. "Shere Kahn." I hummed in response. "Are you cold, Shere Kahn? You don't have your fur anymore..." he sighed. "Cold." I smiled at him, making sure not to show my teeth, and showed him the clothes. "These will help you keep warm. Would you mind if I helped you get them on?" Shere Kahn looked at me, then came closer to me.

I helped him get the underwear on first, keeping it entirely professional. Then helped him into the shirt, noticing how muscular he was as I showed him how to use the buttons. I gave him the pants, telling him to put them on like the underwear. After they were on, he looked at me. "Thank you..."

They save you:
It had only been a few hours, I had gone to get Shere Kahn some food. When I returned to the room I left him in, a government agent was waiting for me. I approached him, not showing any emotion. "Hello sir, can I help you?" He looked at me, his face unreadable behind dark sunglasses. "I've come to collect the test subject."

I grit my teeth, knowing this couldn't lead to anything good. "I'm sorry, but he isn't ready to go anywhere yet. I need to finish a medical examination and help him get his bearings." The agent looked at new, his emotionless stare unsettling. "We can do that ourselves at the facility ma'am." I sighed, trying to find a way to make sure that Shere Kahn wouldn't get into these people's hands. Then an idea came, I just had to hope it would work.

I sighed, feigning defeat. "Alright, just let me feed him. It would be a shame for all this food to go to waste." I opened the door, and Shere Kahn looked at me. Then the agent grabbed my arm harshly. "I don't think so." He pulled me away from the door, almost pushing me to the ground if he still didn't have a grip on my arm. I cried out in pain, causing Shere Kahn to leap into action.

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