Ursul, Ratigan, Clayton, Bill Sykes, Maleficent, and Father Gothel: How You Meet

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I sighed as I finally set my equipment down on the beach. I was determined to prove that mermaids were real. Everyone called me crazy, but I'd show them, I'd show them all!

Ahem! Anyways, it had been a miracle that I was able to get the funding that I needed from king Eric and queen Ariel. Something in the queen's eyes made me think that she knew something that the rest of us didn't, but I didn't have time to dwell on it. I had to look around for the perfect spot to start my research.

After a moment, I found a shallow pool that looked like it would be a good place to start, but something was sticking out of it. As I approached, I noticed it was an octopus. If it was alive, I'd throw it back into the ocean, but if it was dead, I'd take it to where I'd set up camp and cook it.

Half of its body was hidden behind a rock, so I could only see its tentacles. I carefully grabbed one of the sticky things and brought it out of the water, where it promptly started moving, showing that the creature was indeed alive. I hiked up my skirt as to not get it wet as I moved around the rock to see the creature's head, but was stopped in my tracks as I heard a groan.

I carefully peeked my head over the side of the rock and kept a lookout for anyone who could've made that sound, but nearly choked on my saliva as I took in the creature in front of me. It was a male with purple skin. He was well built and rather handsome, and instead of legs, he had the octopus tentacles that I had been inspecting just moments ago.

He was very injured, clutching his stomach in pain, which seemed to be bleeding in both the front and the back. I continued to observe him, taking in every last detail so I could sketch him later.

After a few moments, he seemed to regain his senses and spoke. "Come out and face me, I can feel you staring at me." After a moment's hesitation and being caught off guard by his ability to speak English, I went back in front of him.

He scowled at me, seeming very agitated. "Are you just going to stare? What do you want?" I bowed my head in apology. "Sorry, I've just never seen someone like you, and you're proof of my life's work! I have so many questions I want to ask you!" He seemed to get angrier, but then stopped, thinking.

"Alright dear, I'll answer your questions if you help me stop the bleeding." I nodded my head, knowing I had medical supplies in my tent. "Can you move on land? I can help you, but I'm too weak to carry you by myself." He nodded, then motioned for me to come to his side.

As soon as I got where he wanted me to be, he threw an arm around my shoulder, and together, we started to move to my camp. I watched as his tentacles scurried across the sand, and decided to introduce myself. "My name's (y/n), by the way, what's yours?" He looked at me, responding, "Ursul, a pleasure to meet you." I smiled and continued to get him to my camp.

I grunted as I leaned against a building near the clock tower, my bum leg acting up. Today was going to be an especially hard day cleaning the dang thing. I took a deep breath as I looked up, before getting worried about the large lump that was in front of the tower.

I quickly hobbled over, getting even more worried as I made out the shape of a person. He was lying on his back, barely breathing. The back of his head was bleeding, and he had several broken bones. I looked around to try and find help but found none in the early hours of the morning. I took a deep breath, then grabbed him under his shoulders.

With a lot of difficulty, I managed to drag him into the tower. I grabbed an extra clean rag and pressed it to the back of his head, trying to stop the bleeding. As soon as I made sure it was secure, I set some of the bones that I could, then got to work cleaning the tower.

Their Happily Ever After (Disney villains x reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα