Captain hook🏴‍☠️

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How you meet:
I had come to never land a few months ago as one of the few lost girls. I was excited at first, but for some reason, I just didn't seem to click with the rest of the group. They treated me kindly enough, but they distanced themselves from me for some reason. I was getting lonely and decided to take a walk late at night.

The air was warm and carried the smell of salt from the sea. As I sat on the sand next to the ocean, the small waves lapping my toes, I felt really upset. It had been the same way when I was in London. I thought coming here would fix my feelings of loneliness, but nothing had changed.

A sob tore through my body, and before I knew it, I was crying nonstop. Tears rolled down my cheeks, I didn't know what to do. I didn't know how long I sat there bawling, but after a few moments, I felt a hand grasp my shoulder.

"Why are you crying, lost girl?" I didn't bother looking up, I just knew I could confide in this person. "Because I'm so alone! I came to neverland in hopes of getting rid of my loneliness, but it's the same! I don't know what to do anymore..."

I heard someone sit next to me in the sand, and felt an arm wrap around me. The person pulled me into them in a hug and let me cry, whispering comfort and encouragement to me. After a few more moments, I managed to calm down and look at the man who provided me comfort.

I saw Captain Hook, but to my surprise, I didn't care. I took a deep breath and hugged him again. "Thank you, Captain Hook. I needed that. But why? You could have just left me to suffer..." another tear made its way down my cheek, and Hook wiped it away with a warm finger.

"In all my life here in neverland, I have never seen a lost boy or girl cry. They have always seemed so happy and carefree, so when I saw you in such a sorrowful state, I found myself thinking I couldn't leave you like that. And, if you feel so alone with Peter Pan and his lost boys, maybe you would like to join me and my crew for a while, see if that makes you feel any better." I thought for a moment, then slowly nodded my head. "I think it would be worth a shot."

Hook got up and offered me a hand. "Splendid! Then shall we make way to the ship?" I took his hand, and he pulled me up. "We shall."

Getting to know them:
I had been on the Jolly Roger for a few days now. I had a new pirate outfit, I was learning to fence, and Captain Hook made sure I always felt included. As the sun was setting, and we were having dinner on the deck, Captain Hook approached me. "How are you finding it with the crew?"

I finished the bite in my mouth before replying. "For once, I don't feel alone. It means a lot to me that you've been including me, Captain." Hook twirled his mustache with his hook. "Call me James, (y/n)." I smiled. "Alright James." I took another bite of my food, and James took a bite of his.

"You know James when I was younger, I had read the story of neverland over and over again, and I always thought you were justified in going after Peter." James looked at me and smiled softly. "Of course I'm justified in going after that scallywag. He took my hand and fed it to a crocodile. He knew full well what would happen." He took another bite of his food aggressively.

After a moment, James looked at me, and asked, "Why were you so lonely in London?" I looked out into the horizon, sighing. "I was the daughter of a rich traveling doctor. We moved around a lot, so I never really had time to make friends. My father was always busy, either taking care of a patient or experimenting with medicine, so he never had time for me..." I felt James grab my hand. "Well, now you'll have plenty of friends." I giggled and nodded my head.

They save you:
I was on the shore looking for sea glass, with James and the crew not too far away. I had quite the collection by now, so we all thought it was going to be a normal day, blissfully unaware of the Indians stalking us.

It was late afternoon, and James was distracted talking to the crew, discussing plans to capture Peter Pan and the lost boys. I had always refused to give them information on the boys, and James respected that, surprisingly. I was near the edge of the forest and suddenly felt myself being pulled back by my coat.

I managed to get a scream out before my mouth was covered, and a gruff voice told me to be quiet. I heard James call for the crew to spread out and look for me, but as I went deeper into the forest, I felt my anxiety spike. I went limp, hoping the dead weight would slow my kidnapper down, and hoped that James would find me soon.

It was only a moment before I heard someone running through the brush behind us, and saw a hook swipe down into the Indian's shoulder. He let out a cry of pain and dropped me. James pulled me behind him and pointed his hook at the Indian as a warning. The Indian soon fled, and James turned around to see if I was ok.

"I'm sorry I didn't notice, my dear..." James said as he inspected the bruise on my wrist. I grabbed James' hand. "It's alright James, it happens to the best of us." He nodded, then helped me up, guiding me back to the Jolly Roger.

They developed feelings:
(His POV)
I didn't know why it hurt me so when I first saw (y/n) cry. I felt as if I had a deep connection to them as if they was the most precious treasure I could ever find. I didn't ever want them to feel lonely again, and I would make them feel like they was special.

I knew Peter wanted them back, but I wasn't going to let him have them. (Y/n) was all mine.

They ask you out:
I was back on the boat, relaxing as the cool night air enveloped me. James had asked me to meet him, but I didn't know what for. I had been waiting there for about fifteen minutes when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked behind me to see James looking bashful.

He quickly pulled some flowers from behind his back, offering them to me. I carefully took them from him. "Thank you, James, they're beautiful." James took hold of my hand and looked me in the eyes. "Not as beautiful as you, my pearl." I felt my face deepen in a blush.

He pulled me into a hug, being cautious with his hook, and bent to my ear. "Would you like to go on a date with me, my Pearl?" He whispered, sending shivers down my spine. I stood in shock for a moment, before nodding my head. James seemed to relax at that and slowly started to seat us back and forth.

"You have no idea how happy you've made me, (y/n)."

First date:
I held tightly to James's wrist on his hooked hand, as he was using his good hand to cut away leaves and vines that obstructed our path. "You know, my Pearl, I found this place a while ago, but never really visited it, as it felt like I should have someone there to share it with." I gently squeezed his wrist. "Well, now we can visit it together whenever we want." James looked back at me, his light smile causing me to almost go weak in the knees.

He swiped at a final leaf, and my breath caught in my throat. "It's beautiful isn't it, (y/n)?" I could only nod my head as he bright me towards the sparkling blue water of the lake.

James sat us down and took off his boots. I followed suit and shivered as the cold water washed over my feet. I looked up at the stars. James was still holding my hand, and I found myself leaning into him. A peaceful silence was held between us before James asked a question.

"Hey (y/n), if you could go back to London, would you?" I thought for a moment, then responded, "Maybe temporarily to see my dad, but I have so many more important things here." James placed his head on top of mine. "Like what?" I laughed, knowing exactly what he was looking for. "Like you."

James nuzzled into my side, and we started like that for hours, talking and feeling the cold water against our bare feet.
I'm so sorry about the unfinished post, it was an accident!🙏🏻 but it's fine now and I hope you enjoy it!

Oh! And thank you to @parbear1 for the suggestion

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