They save you

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Shan Yu:
Shan Yu had fully healed within a few more days, so he was out hunting and fishing for you. You were gathering herbs for a young lady experiencing severe headaches a couple of kilometers away. It was quiet, which you were glad to indulge. You were finishing up gathering the herbs you needed when you heard a growl behind you.

You cautiously looked over your shoulder to find yourself face to face with a tiger. You tried to slowly back away, but the Tiger followed you. You managed to make it to some brush, where you quickly turned around and started to run. You heard the tiger yowl, and start to chase after you. You prayed that you were heading in Shan Yu's direction, majoring sure to make every twist and turn that you could, but you couldn't seem to lose the tiger.

The tiger was gaining on you, and you were getting sloppier with your steps, stumbling all over the place. You inevitably tripped, and the tiger was immediately on top of you. You felt its hot breath on your face and heard it growl as the pit in your stomach made you feel nauseous and tears stung your eyes. You closed your eyes, fearful of what might happen. But then, you heard the tiger roar, and your face felt cold.

You opened your eyes again and saw that Shan Yu had stabbed the tiger through its back, so it was now dead. You sighed in relief as tears streamed down your cheeks and you hugged the basket of herbs close to your body after somehow mysteriously keeping it.

"Are you alright?" Shan Yu's deep voice broke you out of your trance, and you sat up, responding, "Yeah, just tired." Shan Yu nodded and offered his hand to help you up. You took it, and they both of you headed back to the cottage.

You were certainly grateful to have him around.

Gaston has fully healed by now, but he refused to leave. You had offered to help him "find himself", sure, but you meant like once-a-week sessions, not him making himself at home at your cabin. He has been trying to force the more "feminine" duties on you, and those mainly involved staying at home! You longed for the outdoors and had had enough of Gaston's antics.

You called him to the table, and he quickly came, thinking breakfast was ready. You slammed a piece of paper on the table. "What's this?" Gain took it from you with a quizzical look on his face. "It's a chart of our responsibilities that we both have throughout the week, to make it fairer on me, so I can do the things I enjoy, and so you can learn how to take care of yourself in way of gardening, cooking, and cleaning." You tried to keep your voice calm and level, but even you could hear the venom that saturated every word.

Gaston looked at you as if you were insane. "A man does not clean." He said it as if it were the most obvious fact in the world. "Either you start doing as I say, or I kick you out, and never speak to you again." Gaston scoffed. "Why can't we just stay in traditional roles?" You felt your blood boil as hot, angry tears stung your eyes. "Because I'm not exactly traditional!  I thought you knew this by this point, I thought you would be the one to finally accept me for who I am!" You hadn't meant to yell, and by the look on Gaston's face, he wasn't expecting you to blow up like that.

You looked away from him and stomped out the door as a guttural scream escaped your mouth. You hadn't noticed earlier, but it was raining outside. You thought it was perfect, so if Gaston decided to chase after you, he couldn't see the tears cascading down your face. You walked for What only seemed like a few minutes when you heard a rumble, and something tackled you to the ground, causing you to slide a few yards in the mud.

You looked behind you to find Gaston on top of you. "What the heck! Why did you do that?" Gaston got up, then tried to help you up. You smacked away his hands and got up yourself, looking behind you to see a landslide. You grimaced thinking about what might have happened to you had Gaston not been there.

You let out a quiet thank you, followed by a, "I'm still mad at you though."

You heard a loud crack, and your entire world seemed to go sideways. You tried to grab anything you could and even saw Hades try to reach for you. But all seemed in vain as you again hit the water off the river Styx. You screamed as the souls grabbed onto you, and heard Hades call your name.

Your breathing became erratic, and you felt like this was it, you were going to die. You looked for Hades and saw that he was running along the path the two of you had created, trying to catch you. As he was a god, he was faster than you and was about to keep up with the river.

You continuously called it to him, fearing he would lose sight of you as your head constantly bobbed under the water, and it quickly filled your nose and mouth. He called out to you as well, telling you to hang in, he would get you out as his hair flared a frightening purple.

He was racing the end of the trail, where the branch was still hanging. He grabbed hold of it, extending it towards you. You desperately reached for it, and feared you would miss it, but found it in your grasp at the last second. You started to climb it, kicking off the moaning souls. Hades tried to help, and threw fireballs at some of them, avoiding hitting you the best he could.

You were almost to the top, and Hades reached for your hand. You reached as well, but the branch snapped, and you were falling again. Hades lunged forward, and caught your hand just in time, then pulled you into his chest.

You tried to calm your breathing as you held into the soft black toga, concentrating on the feeling of Hades' hands on your back. They were surprisingly warm, and they held you firm as you shook violently.

Soon enough, Hades pulled away. "Are you alright? You're not too hurt, are you? I don't want to lose my favorite human just yet." You smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I'm ok, just a little shaken up." Hades sighed. "Just so you know, I'm carrying you until we get out of here." You nodded, and Hades picked you up to begin the journey again.

Dr. Facilier:
It has been a few days, and you had finally found one of the lost souls. Unfortunately, Facilier was right, and they had prepared a trap for you. As you struggled in your restraints, you looked around for the slippery voodoo man, but could not see a sign of him anywhere.

You had given him a copy of the necklace you used to collect escaped souls, and could only hope that he was still on your side. If that necklace was destroyed, the original would be too.

The soul in front of you laughed. "So the great and powerful voodoo reaper has finally been captured! What do you have to say for yourself?" He leaned close to your face, holding your chin. You glare at him and spit in his face. He stumbled back, crying out in surprise, and you finally saw Facilier.

He was hiding behind a pillar, and he raised his finger to his lips, telling you to be quiet. You focused back on the soul in front of you. He growled, came back towards you, and slapped you in the face. You felt your blood boil and strained against the restraints. You could see Facilier out of the corners of your eyes, slowly approaching the two of you.

You focused on him as you tuned out the souls monologuing about his evil plan, completely oblivious to Facilier. After a couple of seconds, he pounced on the soul, slamming the necklace to the soul's back.

The soul was sucked into the pendant, and the chains disappeared. "Next time, we need to be more careful." Facilier sighed. You nodded your head. "You did well though. I'm proud." Facilier became flustered. He wasn't used to praise, but you had a feeling you would be giving him a lot of it.

It was a peaceful day. The hut has been finished, Scar was fully healed and was out hunting a wildebeest, and you had just finished gardening. You were waiting for Scar to return when you heard rustling in the tall grass. "Is that you, Scar?" There was a moment of silence before a voice you recognized responded. "No, it's not, but I hope you remember me, (y/n)."

You felt your body tense. "Of course I remember you Nuka. How could I forget the one who was supposed to be my little brother, then chased me out to impress his mother." You heard him laugh that high-pitched, annoying laugh, and clenched your fists. "About that, mother has sent me to finish you off! I'm honestly surprised you've lasted this long!" He laughed again, and you heard another noise in the grass. "Scar?"

"Yes, (y/n)? Who is this?" You were grateful to hear his voice. "This is a member of my old tribe. He's the one who chased me out." You felt a woosh of air as Scar set down today's hunt. "Ah, I see. Would you like me to do the same to him?" You nodded your head. And felt a rush of air as Scar ran towards Nuka.

You were so grateful to finally have someone on your side.

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