They meet your family 2

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Really the only ones that can meet your family this chapter are Ursul, Clayton, and Ratigan.
I smiled as I looked over at Jafar And Noya. It was her tenth birthday, and everything was going perfectly. Jafar was playing with her, and it was time for cake and presents. I was grateful that my sister and my beloved got along so well.

I walked into the room, carrying the handmade cake, presents were already on the table, and we were all smiling. I set the cake down and started to sing, Jafar joining me. After the song was over, Noya blew out the candles, and I cut the cake.

After we had all had our fill of cake, Noya looked excitedly at the presents. She looked at me and I nodded. She took Jafar's present first, opening it carefully. Inside was a necklace that had apparently come from a far off land.

Noya smiled even more, and went up to Jafar

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Noya smiled even more, and went up to Jafar. "Can you help me put it on?" Jafar smiled. "Of course Noya, turn around." Noya did as he said, giving him the necklace and getting her hair out of the way. He gently put it on, looking happy that he had made her happy.

Noya hugged him then went for my present. She opened it just as gently as before, and her smile grew wider once again.

She pulled out a music box, calling it gently in her hands, looking for the winder. Once she found it, a beautiful melody started to play.

She hugged me, thanking me softly. This was a good birthday.

Claude Frollo✝️:
I smiled and clapped along to the music my family was playing, watching as my cousins danced. They had somehow dragged Claude into dancing with them, but I couldn't join as my knee was still healing from the sprain I got a few days ago from slipping on a rock in the river.

Claude was having fun, smiling and laughing as my cousin Danior taught him how to dance. He had been getting along great with my family, and seemed to be more a part of the family every day. He looked at me and smiled, moving his feet and hands to the rhythm. I smiled back at him, doing the reciprocating hand movements, wishing I could dance with him.

He came up to me and kissed my cheek. "Danior was telling me that this dance was meant for romantic partners. I hope you get well soon so that we can dance together soon." I nodded. "I hope so too." Then he was pulled away by a twelve year old cousin to continue dancing, causing me to laugh at his startled face.

He seemed to be fitting in well.

I smiled excitedly at I held my mothers hand, guiding her down to the beach. I had finally managed to convince Ursul to meet her, and even though he was nervous, he said he wanted to know my family.

We finally made it to mine and Ursul's meeting place, but he was nowhere to be seen. I looked around, and mom sighed. "Are you sure his coming sweetie." I nodded vigorously. "He's probably just late." Mom sighed again, but then the water broke, revealing my lover in all his glory.

He came up to us, hiding something behind his back. He kissed my forehead, smiling gently at me. "Sorry I'm late my Pearl, I was struggling to find the perfect gift for my future mother in law. Speaking of which," he turned to look at my mother, extending his hand for her to take. "You must be her. (Y/n) has told me so much about you." He then pulled the present from behind his back, revealing a necklace with a small seashell pendant. Mom took his hand, which he promptly kissed her knuckles, and then the necklace. "Thank you. It's beautiful."

Ursul smiled, coming back to my side. The rest of the day was spent by the wayside, bonding and getting to know each other better.

I smiled as I sat and graded papers, watching as Ratigan tried to teach the group of rambunctious boys about science. He seemed to be getting very annoyed, but was trying to keep his temper under control.

After another moment, someone came into the schoolhouse. I looked up to greet them, but stopped in my tracks as I saw my mother and father walk in with a young boy. They looked at me and their eyes grew wide. My mother started to cry, and my father slowly approached me.

"(Y/n), is that you?" I nodded my head, and my father embraced me. My mother came up and hugged me as well. The little boy followed them, tugging on our moms skirt. "Mom? Whose this?" Our mother smiled down at him. "Ezekiel, this is (y/n), your older sister. (Y/n), this is your little brother, Ezekiel." I smiled down at him, and he looked at me excitedly.

Ratigan was suddenly behind me. "(Y/n), my jewel, do you know these people?" I nodded my head. "This is my family. Mom, dad, this is Ratigan, my lover." My mom smiled at me. "I'm so happy for you, we've been looking for you for so long." I looked at her shocked. "I thought you hated me..." My father took my hand. "We could never hate you dear. We were upset with you, yes, but we could never hate you." Tears fell from my eyes, and Ratigan kissed the top of my head.

I had my family back, and we were all happy. I was excited to have my little brother in the class, and Ratigan seemed to get along well with him.

Clayton 🗡:
Clayton had already met my grandfather, but he hadn't really met my parents. I giggled as he nervously messed around with his ascot. I went to knock on the door, and not even a second after the first knock, my mom opened the door.

"My precious little girl how are you?" I giggled as my mom pulled me into a hug, which I quickly returned. "I'm doing well momma, I wanted to introduce you to the man who stole my heart." I gestured behind me, and mom smiled at Clayton. "Hello my dear, how are you? What's your name?" She took his hand and led him inside. "I'm Clayton ma'am, and I I'm doing well, thank you." Mom led him into the kitchen to show him what she was cooking, and I noticed dad leaning against a wall, looking at Clayton angrily.

I chuckled under my breath, going towards him and taking his hands. "What's the matter papa?" He looked at me and sighed. "He isn't good enough for you, (y/n)." I laughed again. "You say that about everyone papa. Don't you trust my judgement?" He sighed. "Alright, but if he hurts you, I'm gonna-!"

"Your gonna shoot him dead, then tan his hide and use it to make furniture." My dad smiled, still holding my hand. "Why don't we go help your mother in the kitchen."

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