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"But if you loved me

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"But if you loved me. Why'd you leave me?"


*               *               *

NOVEMBER 29, 2009

   The end of the world. Nobody knows how it will happen. Many people have different theories, all arguing over the inevitable. Would it be a meteor? A disease? A zombie apocalypse? Weather? A black hole? Nobody knows and that's the scariest part. People only know one thing.

   Humanity itself would end in heartbreak. 

   Strauss poured herself a glass of water, taking a large sip and looking over at Bella. The young agent stared down at her hands, her eyes sunken and her leg bouncing up and down. Strauss set down her cup of water and took a seat in front of the devastated agent. 

   "Are you alright, Dr. Snow?" Strauss asked. "Would you like some water?"

   "No thank you," Bella answered hastily. "I'm ok."

   "You look nervous, is there a reason for that?"

   Bella frowned, "I'm not nervous, I'm-I'm honestly trying to hold myself back from tears. The entire team we are all just...we are all trying to keep it together. I'm trying my best but it's hard."

   "I understand. Dr. Snow, do you think that Agent Hotchner was acting unreasonable or agitated?"

   Furrowing her eyebrows, Bella held herself back from exploding, "Not at all. Agent Hotchner acted the way anyone would if their family was in danger. Considering what happened, the way he acted was perfectly reasonable." 

   Strauss nodded and Bella started to tear up, "I'm not here to upset you, Dr. Snow. I am only trying to understand everything that happened. I'm trying to get as much information as I can as I was there myself."

   "Chief Strauss," Bella began, wiping a tear away. "I was there, so was the rest of the team. We saw every bloody and gory thing. We saw so much pain and grief. Trust me when I say this, you don't want to imagine yourself there." 

*               *               *

NOVEMBER 25, 2009 (8:04 A.M.)

   "He's been watching me," Hotch said, trying to keep his voice from breaking. "He's a narcissist, he'd use a fake name connected with the case."

   Penelope nodded, working away on the computer. She had been spending all morning looking at different over the counter medications in order to try and find Foyet. The team had spent all morning looking at a map, trying to nail down where Foyet might be. 

   "Foyet likes things to have a meaning to him," Bella said, standing up. "The Eye of Providence, the addresses in blood he wrote on the bus that led us back to him. Maybe he's doing the same thing with the alias."

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