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   "The first time that you touched me"

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   "The first time that you touched me"

*               *               *

They say that time heals any wound. Bella spent the next 2 weeks still mourning her mother, her tears staining her pillowcases and giving her pounding headaches for days. Her heart still felt like it was in a million tiny pieces. Gradually, she found herself putting it back together. Instead of mourning the loss of her mother, she celebrated her existence. She reminded herself of all the beautiful moments that her mother was on Earth.

   Support from the people around her was a big help. Hyacinth and Gianna were constantly asking how she was, making sure to always comfort their friend and remind her that everything was going to be alright. The team was there for Bella, allowing her to take time off and mourn everything that she had just recently lost. Hotch had sent her a letter, offering his condolences and reminding her that she could take all the time that she needed. The rest of the team sent her piles of chocolates and flowers, Penelope sending her a pile of cheesy romance novels. 

   But Bella's best support system was Spencer. She wasn't afraid to cry in front of him. She wasn't afraid to feel vulnerable around him. He had come by her apartment every single day, taking her out to dinner and watching reruns of 'Seinfeld' with her. He wanted to help her find happiness again. He wanted to help her move on as best as he could. 

   Spencer found himself taking deep breaths in front of his mirror, fiddling with his hair and adjusting his sweater. He quickly made his way out the door, driving to Bella's apartment with his nerves eating at him. Every step towards her apartment door was making him nervous. He tried shaking it off, reminding himself that it was only Bella and he had no reason to be nervous.

   The second Bella opened the door, Spencer smiled and held up a large bouquet of red peonies. At first, Bella grinned, but it soon turned into a large smile. She pulled him into a tight hug and kissed his cheek, thanking him for the gorgeous flowers. 

   "Can I take you somewhere?" Spencer asked, holding her hand. "We can watch the sunset."

   "That sounds wonderful," Bella whispered, a smile tugging at her lips. 

   Before they left, Spencer stopped to hold Rigby.

*               *               *

   The two agents found themselves sitting under a large oak tree, on a hill that Spencer had found on a drive to Quantico one day. It was peaceful and it was isolated, allowing the pair to have alone time. 

   The sky was a mixture of pink and orange, the sun setting right in front of them. It was breathtakingly beautiful. Spencer wrapped his jacket around Bella after seeing her shiver, despite her protests. 

   "What if you get cold?" Bella asked, pulling the jacket closer to herself.

   "Let me hold you and I'll never be cold again," Spencer responded, earning a bashful grin from Bella.

Ineffable - Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now