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"There will be an answer"

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"There will be an answer"

Episode: In Name and Blood (Season 3, Episode 2)

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Spencer wasn't the type of person to get easily upset. He typically was calm and collected, letting logic control him more than emotions. Dilaudid turned him into something he wasn't and the entire time he felt bad about it, but couldn't help it. Therapy and rehab have helped him become so much better, he has slowly begun to find himself again.

Today was a day that was testing him. Emily was gone after announcing she was resigning from the FBI, Hotch was gone after requesting a transfer, and Gideon was completely missing in action. No one could blame him after everything he had been through, he was scarred and emotionally distraught. Although the team didn't want to believe it, they knew that Gideon was never going to bounce back from all the pain he suffered. Spencer couldn't help but wonder where his mentor was, he wondered if he was ok. All he wanted was a simple phone call.

Erin Strauss was also slowly sucking the life out of Spencer. Her constant cold and serious attitude was one to make anyone uncomfortable. She made everyone around her feel small and weak, as she stepped on others in order to get to the top. Today the team was small and confused, making them easier prey to Strauss. They felt weak and defeated.

It had been two months since Bella's birthday, and Spencer kept replaying the night over and over again in his head. Neither of them had spoken about that night, so Spencer had assumed that she didn't remember any of it. He had felt awkward around Bella for days, and still felt a sort of awkwardness in the air. Bella still acted like nothing happened, she treated Spencer the same she did every other day. In a way, it hurt Spencer, but he hid it from her.

He looked up at her sitting across from him. He admired the way the sun hit her eyes, illuminating her skin. If he could, he would rip the sun out of the sky and hang it above her head so he could watch her eyes dance every single day. He felt Derek look up, gluing his eyes at the young doctor before giving a sly grin. Spencer looked over and cleared his throat, furrowing his eyebrows and quickly looking away.

"Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe it's protocol to brief everyone before we arrive at the crime scene," Strauss said, approaching the 4 agents. They sighed and looked at each other before nodding.

"Yes ma'am," JJ answered with a fake smile as Strauss sat down. "This unsub is abducting women from very public places with no witnesses. He holds them for 48 hours, with no sexual assault, and then he dumps their bodies with their hearts carved out of their chests."

"There's an obvious dichotomy in the skill the unsub exhibits in abducting these women and the fact that he cuts their hearts out so crudely," Spencer said at Derek handed Strauss some photos of the victims, the women covering her mouth and grimacing in return.

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