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  "And nobody loves you, baby, the way I do"

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  "And nobody loves you, baby, the way I do"

*               *               *

 "Open mine next!" Aurora squealed, handing Bella a small box wrapped in bright red wrapping paper and a sparkly white bow.

   "Alright, alright," Bella chuckled, taking the present from her giddy sister. She took off the white bow and began to unwrap the gift, Aurora not dropping her smile the entire time. She opened up the box to reveal a small purple sweater.

   "It's for Rigby!" Aurora clapped. "I saw it at my friend's house just piled underneath magazines, going perfectly unused, so I took it."

   " stole this?"

   "Stole is a strong word."

   Bella widened her eyes and held up the fuzzy purple sweater for Rigby. It was the color of lilacs and had tiny white fish on it. It was one of the ugliest things Bella had ever seen, but something about it was still so charming to her. She looked over to the small kitten sitting on the couch, his large green eyes staring at the sweater with curiosity. 

   "He loves it," Bella grinned. "Thank you, Rory."

   "You don't have to thank me, it's just what good aunts do," Aurora smiled, scratching Rigby underneath the chin. She stroked the cat on the head as he began to purr. "Hey, Bells, where is Rigby's father? You told us he was coming here soon." 

   Charlotte laughed, "His father?" 

   "Yes!" Aurora exclaimed. "The lovely Dr. Spencer Reid!" 

   Bella rolled her eyes as her mother and sisters gasped in shock. She glared over at Aurora who only shrugged and gave Bella a cocky grin. Bella had told Aurora about the kiss and the fact that she and Spencer were now a thing, but she didn't expect her to spill the secret to the entire family.

   "I was going to tell you all myself when I was ready, but thanks to Rory I guess I'm doing that now," Bella began. "I know a while ago I said that Spencer was just my friend...and I know I said I only invited him over for Christmas because he doesn't have family here. But, Spencer and I are...together. He-he's my b-boyfriend."

   The word still sounded weird every time Bella said it. Boyfriend. It still seemed so unreal. It felt like Bella was constantly living a dream. She grinned as her mother and sisters squealed and cheered in excitement, Charlotte giving her a quick side hug. 

   "I always knew something was going to happen between you two," Alice said, squeezing her daughter's hand. "You both are just so similar, it was inevitable that this was going to happen."

   "Imagine their kids," Phoebe gasped. "IQ of 300." 

   The women chuckled as Bella slapped her sister playfully on the arm. She snuggled in closer to her mother, wanting to hold onto this moment forever. She knew that her mom was slowly declining, that her time was running short. She knew that even though she was going through treatments, it only keeps you alive for so long. It was a nasty pill Bella had to accept that soon her mom wasn't going to be there. To know that her mom wouldn't be there to see her get married or have kids. Bella thought that being shot again would be less painful than having to see her mother go. 

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