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"You were an angel in the shape of my mum"

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"You were an angel in the shape of my mum"

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Alice's skin was cold as Bella laced their fingers together, tears blurring her vision. Bella always knew that this time was coming eventually. She always mentally prepared herself for this heartbreak. Each day she would be thankful that her mother was still alive and breathing, the inevitable reality still lurking at the back of her head. Even though she prepared herself for this still felt like a knife was stabbing her in the heart.

The room was dark and smelled like sickness and dying flowers, the curtains drawn so not even the sun was able to peep in. The atmosphere of the room was enough to bring even the happiest person down. The gloom was enough to choke you, leaving you gasping for at least a hint of joy.

The 4 sisters sat in silence, their faces red and puffy from tears. Aurora couldn't contain herself, her sniffles and sobs interrupting the deafening silence in the room. Phoebe wrapped her arm around her in an attempt to comfort the youngest sister, but she longed for someone to do the same to her. They all watched as Alice struggled for breath, her heart monitor slowly beeping.

Spencer paced back and forth in the hallway with his hands in his pockets. He refused to let Bella drive home by herself, knowing that her emotional state was not up for that challenge. The minute he got to the hospital, he stood in the hallway and tried to ignore the sobs coming from inside Alice's room. He wanted to give the sisters time with their mother. He wanted to be the strong one there to comfort them all. But Bella couldn't help but notice the tall doctor wipe away small tears from underneath his eyes. He tried to hide his face, but it was still obvious.

Aurora let out a loud sob before running out of the room, burying her face in her hands. Phoebe wiped away some tears before running after her. Charlotte looked over at Bella and frowned before giving her a quick squeeze and following after her two sisters. Bella looked out into the hallway to see Spencer slowly approach the 3 sisters, sitting down next to Aurora and placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Is the handsome Dr. Reid out there?" Alice whispered, slowly opening her eyes.

"Mom," Bella whispered, her voice choking on tears.

"My sweet Isabella," Alice whispered, wiping away the tears from underneath Bella's eyes. "I'm so glad you're here."

"Of course I'm here, mom. I-I can't live without you."

Alice grinned, tears rolling out of her eyes, "Bella, you're my little girl. You're always going to be my little girl. No matter where I go, or where I am, I'm always going to be with you. I'm part of you. I will go wherever you go...and we will see each other again one day."

Bella shook her head, "No!'s too soon. I'm only 22, I can't lose you already. WE can't lose you. I don't know how I'm supposed to live. I don't know how I'm supposed to breathe. I don't know how I'm supposed to exist."

Ineffable - Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now