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   "There's so much to do in the sunlight"

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   "There's so much to do in the sunlight"

*               *               *

Bella jumped at the shrill sound of her phone ringing, she sat up in bed and rubbed her tired eyes. She looked around the room, her mind still fuzzy, trying to find wherever her phone was so she could turn stop the abhorrent sound. With a groan, she hopped out of bed and located her purse and began to start digging through it. She pulled out the phone without bothering to check who it was, quickly answering it and pressing it to her ear. 

   "Hello?" she yawned, her eyes blinded by the bright sun streaming through her curtains.  

   "Oh! I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" the soft voice asked.

   Bella instantly recognized it as Spencer's voice, causing her to become fully awake. She turned around and looked at the digital clock on her nightstand, it reading 11: 17 a.m. She widened her eyes in shock, typically she was awake and alert by 9 a.m on weekends. 

   "No, it's fine!" Bella exclaimed. "I needed to get up anyway, I can't believe I slept in this late." 

   Spencer chuckled on the other end of the phone. Bella leaned all of her weight onto one leg, anxiously waiting for what he was going to say next. She heard him gulp and shift the phone from one ear to another.

   "Well," he began. "That new bookstore just opened and I was wondering, if you're not busy, maybe you would like to, if you want, meet there? It's totally fine if you can't, I completely understand. This was very rude of me to call unexpectedly and invite you somewhere spontaneously, I'm sorry."

   "Spencer," Bella laughed. "I-I'll totally meet you there."

   "Really?" A sudden smash of a cup hitting the ground echoed on the other line, followed by Spencer saying 'damn it' and 'shit'. Bella pressed her lips together in order to hold in her laugh, not wanting to cause Spencer anymore embarrassment. 

   "Is everything alright?" Bella asked with a giggle.

   She could hear Spencer smiling through the phone, "Yeah, it's fine, I'm fine...everything is fine. Uh...would you like to meet there around 2? If that works for you of course."

   Bella nodded quickly before staring out her window, "Yeah, 2 sounds great!" 

   "Great! I-I'll see you then."

   "Sounds good, bye!"


   Bella quickly hung up her phone and set it down, biting her lip. Even though she knew that they were just hanging out, something that friends do, she still had butterflies. Every piece of her felt jittery as if she drank an entire gallon of coffee. 

   She whipped open her closet door and scanned her outfit choices, keeping in mind the mildly warm weather outside. She grabbed a simple white tank top and a pair of jeans, along with a pair of flat, white sandals. It was simple enough and comfortable to walk around in. She grabbed a pair of earrings her grandmother gave her and headed towards the bathroom, preparing to take a hot shower. 

Ineffable - Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now