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   "I've got sunshine on a cloudy day with my girl"

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   "I've got sunshine on a cloudy day with my girl"

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Both Bella and Spencer were given the rest of the month of December to recover from their injuries. The entire case was traumatic for both of them, leaving them bruised and scarred on the inside and out. They were sore and tired almost every single day. Hotch also knew that an agent with countless bruises on his face, and another agent with a patch around a gunshot wound, wouldn't look too good to the public eye.

   The days were cold and dreary, snow softly falling to the ground every day and covering the sidewalks and grass in a thick white blanket. Each morning Bella would wake up warm in her bed, the blankets around her keeping her bundled up. Winter was always a good season in Bella's eyes, it signaled Christmas time and sweater season. 

   The downside to winter was the constant colds, causing Bella to lay in bed watching The Maury Show all day. Sore throats and headaches were a common feeling for the blonde agent. She felt like her sinuses were constantly under attack. 

   Spencer was sad to see Halloween come and go, but he got a rush of excitement for this particular Christmas that was swiftly approaching. This year was exciting for him because he was finally able to spend Christmas with someone after spending it alone for many years. Bella was his warmth. Bella was becoming his home. 

   Everyday Bella would hear soft tapping at her apartment door. Wrapping herself in her blanket, she would get up and drag herself to open the door. Her feeling of illness would soon subside the minute she opened the door to reveal Spencer's smiling face. In one hand he would be holding a warm tea, the other hand holding a cup of hot chicken noodle soup. She would invite him in and immediately go to find Rigby, Spencer always getting filled with excitement at the sight of the small kitten. 

   It was still so surreal to the both of them that they were finally together. That even though they both experienced a traumatic case, it still brought them together and finally revealed emotions that were bottled up for years. It was so refreshing that they could finally call each other boyfriend and girlfriend. 

   At first, the kiss was confusing to both of them. The declarations of love were certainly true signs that they wanted to be with each other. The day after the kiss, Bella woke up to Spencer calling her and asking how she was. But pretty soon she found him knocking on her door, greeting her with a soft kiss and a new book he thought she would like. Spencer's presence was enough to make Bella feel better again. The feeling of her fingers through his soft curly hair was enough to combat any illness.

   It was about 3 days after the kiss that Spencer asked Bella if they could officially call each other boyfriend and girlfriend. With no hesitation, Bella kissed him on the cheek and said yes. This was the first time, in a long time, that Bella was opening up herself again for a relationship. For years she had cowered and put up walls around her, the memory of Owen and his abuse still lingering in the back of her head. But Spencer was different. Spencer was safe. Spencer was the sun.

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