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"He's currently in a medically induced coma, his body needs rest to recover.
He was dead for 23 seconds but our doctors managed to reanimate him.

Both the baby and he had a great guardian angel,
it's a miracle that both made it.

Now both need time to heal and recover and lots of love.
They just need to survive the night and they'll be over the worst."

"When will he wake up?"

"Depends on how fast he's recovering. It could be tomorrow but it can also take weeks."

Minho hadn't even noticed the first tears that had started to roll down his pale cheeks, only when he fell on his knees burying his face in his hands.

Quiet sobs left his mouth while the doctor just patted his shoulder in a comforting manner.

"Hey, you're a father now.
Don't cry in front of your baby,
give him some love and attention.
He needs his dad now."

And with that, she left him alone and went over to one of the other incubators.

She still had an eye on Minho but it was probably the best to give the blue-haired boy a bit of privacy with his newborn.

The boy wiped his tears away and slowly stood up again.

The doctor was right,
Jisung wasn't here for their baby yet, so this was Minho's chance to prove to his son, Jisung and mostly himself that he loved and cared for his son and Jisung.

This was his chance to make it right for his family.

He stood beside his son's incubator and placed his hand on the transparent wall.

The tiny baby was still sleeping and Minho could tear his gaze away from him.

His feet and hands were so tiny,
his fingers and toes even tinier.

Minho wouldn't call him absolutely adorable if he were to be honest,
the small boy was premature so his skin was red and wrinkly and his face was littered with light and red spots.

But he could definitely see that it was his baby too, the newborn looked exactly like Minho.

His gaze wandered to a small note that was put on the incubator. 

'Name: Lee Junseo

Date of birth: 2.2.2021

Time of birth: 3:18am' 

Jisung had given him a name already before he got the surgery.

And he had decided that their son would have Minho's surname.

Even after all that has happened, Jisung still believed in Minho. 

"You can touch him, you know?
Just put your hands through the holes on the side of the incubator and be careful with the tubes"

the doctor said from a distance as she watched Minho.

The blue-haired boy just nodded,
his gaze fixed on the small baby as he followed the doctor's instruction.

He carefully took the infant's tiny hand in his, completely in awe as the little boy moved his small fingers.

At his father's touch,
Junseo started to squirm a bit,
waking up from his deep slumber.

He moved his little arms as a small yawn escaped him.

As the tiny boy fluttered his eyes open, his gaze wandered around a bit until it settled on Minho.

His chocolate eyes were filled with wonder, light reflecting in his eyes like thousands of sparkling stars.


Minho breathed softly,
completely overwhelmed by this tiny human that looked so much like him.

Junseo whimpered softly,
his tiny hand grasping Minho's finger.

"You are so beautiful.
And I promise you,
I'll never let you get hurt again.

I'll be the best dad to you,
I'll take care of you and your mommy."


So Sungie isn't dead.. Yet?

Today would have been my first day of school but it snowed so much that no train is driving..

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