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! Mention of
self-harm and suicide attempt !

Don't read if any of the mentioned contents trigger you



Jisung asked the brunette quietly,
his voice showing obvious concern.

Even if the younger had been in a coma for almost a month,
Minho had told Jisung pretty much everything that had happened during the time he wasn't conscious.

From Junseo's first struggles over Minho's first kangaroo-care with the tiny boy to Hyunjin and Seungmin's unknown problems.

The couple hadn't told the blue-haired boy about Hyunjin's extreme trauma because they didn't want to burden the already exhausted boy any further but Minho wasn't blind,
he could tell that something was off.

That's why Jisung had decided to ask Seungmin when they were alone, Minho was at home taking care of the bubby and Hyunjin was taking a walk in the hospital garden.

Although it took Seungmin a lot of convincing to get his boyfriend to leave with a more or less calm mind.

Jisung was with him and he was literally already in the hospital,
there was no way anything would happen to him.

"Yes Jisungie?"

Seungmin smiled tiredly at his friend, his hands resting on top of his baby bump.

"Please be honest with me.
What's wrong?
I can see that there's something off. You look tired, Hyunjin looks tired but not only that sleep-deprived tired."

Taking a deep breath,
the brunette buried his face in his hands.

Of course Jisung would ask eventually, it was quite obvious.

He sighed softly, his brain desperately trying to form decent sentences to describe what was currently going on in his mind and heart.

How do I say that?

After that day where this happened to you, ever since then Hyunjin is terrified.
He was there pretty much the moment you got into the surgery and I would say, this whole experience traumatized him.

The way Minho looked after he came back into the waiting area a few hours later.
How he told us how Junseo was,
all the wires and tubes.

And then you being in a coma, looking like you were dying, the question if you'll ever wake up not answered.

He's not sleeping, he's not eating well and he almost never leaves my side because he's so scared that something will happen to me.
That we'll go through the same as you, Minho and Junseo."

There was a bit more behind Hyunjin's behavior but Seungmin decided that this was too private,
it wasn't completely his story to tell.

Hyunjin had always been a protective boyfriend, Seungmin being a lonely boy in college and getting picked on at every possible chance had made Hyunjin promise to himself that he'd never let anyone hurt his beloved Minnie anymore.

Also Seungmin had a dark past,
years of struggling with depression, self-harm and an unsupportive family had forced the boy into his own world of black and white, no colors left.

He was seventeen when he ran away, no more strength left for living his life like this.

Tears streaming down his face like the red drops of blood that rolled down his arms, no thought wasted on wiping away the crimson red liquid.

He was tired.

He was so damn tired of living.

Over three years of physical and mental pain,
his heart and mind screaming to be freed even if that meant leaving everything behind.

Leaving this life behind.

Leaving the world behind.

Seungmin met Hyunjin after Hyunjin had met Seungmin.

Because when the older saw him for the first time, he was laying on a pavement curled up into a ball,
his body not even shaking anymore as the soul had slowly left the already empty boy.

The once so innocent white pulvery snow around him was soaked red,
the tear stains on the boy's cheeks shimmering like broken glass in the faint rays of the streetlights.

His eyes were closed,
glistening eye lashes resting on his pale cheeks and his face almost looking peaceful as he clenched onto his wrist, red liquid pooling through his fingers like an endless fountain.

But he looked so calm.

As if he had found inner peace for the first time in his life.

And still despite these deadly circumstances, the big puddle of blood, the temperatures of -8°Celsius in the middle of this silent January night, the boy was breathing.

Very faintly but he was breathing.

Hyunjin was the one who had called an ambulance and had wrapped parts of his shirt around the blood-oozing cuts.

Hyunjin was the one who had cradled the cold boy to his chest,
his jacket wrapped around him to keep him warm.

Hyunjin was the one who had spoken comforting words to the unconscious brunette in his arms.

Hyunjin was the one who was with him the whole ride to the hospital.

Hyunjin was the one staying by his side holding the unconscious boy's hand the whole time.

He hadn't even known the boy's name, age, where he lived and still he felt a connection to the small brunette.

Hyunjin was the one who had safed Seungmin's life that night.


And that's how they met

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