#13 * "I Am Never Shy"

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"You know Athena you really shouldn't shy away from me like that." Aphrodite said as they walked down the long lane that lead to the temple.

By that Aphrodite meant she shouldn't shy away from love.

"What makes you say that?" Athena asked.

They were making their way to a council meeting. Athena just had happened to pass Aphrodite on her way to the temple and the latter had decided to join her.

The wisdom goddess already hated the fact this lane was as endless as the chatter of the goddess who had decided to join her.

"Something about you makes you immune to my advances. And I believe that something is you being shy." The goddess of love said glancing at the woman walking next to her.

She'd have to be careful with her choice of words. The daughter of Zeus didn't always appreciate her vision on her love life.

"Me? Shy?" Athena asked with a half hearted chuckle.

"Have you ever met me?"

"Yes, of course. You're not shy when it comes to speaking up and taking the lead. But in love, in a bedroom, I believe you are very shy. Simply because you don't know what it's like." Aphrodite replied.

The eyes of the wisdom goddess narrowed for a moment. It seemed Aphrodite was onto something.


"So you admit it?" The goddess of love asked.

"I did no such thing." Athena retorted ever so quickly.

"Of course not." Aphrodite smirked.

One look of the steel grey eyes was enough for the goddess to know that this was as far as she could take it.

"Anyway, besides all that I've noticed something inside of you is stirring."

Athena's head snapped towards the goddess of love. She couldn't know. They'd been making sure to hide it. There was no way she could've known.

"I admit, you're incredibly clever Athena. But I'm sorry to say that even the best of lies are eventually just that. Lies. And they never did do a good job on hiding the truth." The goddess of love mused.

"That has to be the wisest thing I've ever heard from your mouth." Athena mumbled.

"I'm full of surprises my dear. But as are you. Besides I'm the goddess of love. When love joins the game, I will know. So why don't you go ahead and tell me who this mystery beau is?" Aphrodite said.

The wisdom goddess' shoulders tensed. Should she tell her? If she did Nike would probably be very happy. She'd been asking Athena to tell her family for quite a while.

Of course she understood that Nike wanted to be able to attend celebrations next to her girlfriend and what not.

But it was just so scary. She already knew she'd get a bunch of questions about her oath and about her being able to love. She really didn't want that.

Athena figured most people saw her like a concrete wall. Tall and impenetrable and not capable of feelings. Sometimes that was a positive point, other times a negative point.

"Come on tell me!" Aphrodite pushed.

Well that and if she told Aphrodite today it would be all over Olympus by tomorrow.

She sighed. For Nike. Right?

"Well she's-" The wisdom goddess started.

"Wait! Time out! She?!" Aphrodite shouted.

"Lower your voice please." Athena pleaded.

"But yes, she."

"Does that mean you're-"

"Please. Don't guess. I'm a..."

By Gaia why was this so hard? Athena swallowed as Aphrodite expectantly held her arm.

"I'm a lesbian." The daughter of Zeus breathed.

She did have to admit, finally saying that out loud felt pretty good.

Then came the high-pitched scream that pierced her ears. Gods how was it possible to make a sound this high?

After the initial surprise the goddess of love was practically beaming. Not litterly... At least that's what Athena thought. The opposite could very much be true.

"You still haven't told me who it is." Aphrodite remarked.

"I'm not going to." The wisdom goddess replied with a lift of her shoulders.

"What do you mean you're not going to?" The woman next to her frowned.

"Exactly what I'm saying. I won't tell you."

"Why not?" The currently blue-eyed goddess whined.

"Because we're here and we have a meeting to get through." Athena replied.

"Besides weren't you able to 'see through my lies'?" She added.

Aphrodite huffed as they walked up to the door where they found Nike, Zeus' guardian angel. Well not only Zeus' anymore.

"You ready?" Athena asked putting a hand on Nike's lower back.

A shiver went down the angel's spine. What was Athena doing? Aphrodite might notice. And so the love goddess did. Her smile became wider as she connected all the dots.

Right before they went through the door, the wisdom goddess turned back towards the goddess of love.

"Oh and Aph? One more thing. I'm never shy."

With a smirk she kissed a confused victory goddess on the cheeck and continued her way inside the temple.

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