#23 * Jared

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(Author's note: This chapter is based on 'Your new boyfriend' by Wilbur Soot. Some of the lines might be some lyric lines. I want to quickly clarify that obviously I don't own this song and all the rights of the song go to Wilbur! - Athena_9909)

"Have you met Jared?" Nike asked her lover who was standing on the porch of their mortal home.

Usually when they came down to the mortal world the two would end up here. It was mainly used for bringing mortals home. You can't exactly say 'Hey Zeus this is x, they're my new mortal partner' and walk into Olympus with them.

It often made the lies they told them more solid and made it harder for the mortal to know they were screwing a goddess.

It had been Athena's idea but she's really regretting it at the moment. She was staring out onto the street.

"Yes I've met Jared." Athena almost snapped.

"Of course I've met Jared. He's the one that took you away from me." She added underneath her breath.

"Oh no, don't do that." Nike raised a brow.

"Do what?" The wisdom goddess grumbled.

"Be jealous." Her girlfriend replied.

"Of the man that sleeps upstairs in our bed and f*cks my girlfriend? Why would I?" Was the sarcastic reply.

"Stop it. You have mortals over here as well."

"True, but they never sleep in OUR bed."

Athena glanced over her shoulder to Nike. Grey eyes met hazel colored eyes.


"What about him is so attractive? What does he have that I don't...? Don't you dare answer that litteraly." She grumbled.

"I mean he's handsome-" Nike started.

"I've seen his jawline, shoulders and muscles darling I know how he looks. Nothing I don't have." The daughter of Zeus muttered.

"True... But he's just so sporty. He's a football player and his team always wins." The angel mused.

"I'm sporty and I always win too." Athena said.

For a moment Nike stayed quiet. She knew her lover would shoot down every argument she gave. She was a goddess after all. She could be whatever Nike wanted or needed her to be.

Everything except a man. See the angel, unlike her girlfriend, was bisexual. Don't get her wrong. Her preference for women dominated and she loved Athena beyond description. But every now and then she just needed a little change. Decennia after decennia gets a little boring.

A mortal man was the perfect excuse because he'd give her a demigod in return. Although the victory goddess had to admit, everytime she did it she got bored rather easily. Especially with people like Jared.

"Ever thought I might like him because he's so much like you?" The angel spoke up.

"You're new boyfriend is an *rseh*le. We are nothing alike." Athena grumbled at her.

"You just listed two things about you two that are similar." The angel pointed out.

"That doesn't mean there's more." The daughter of Zeus said.

'Yeah right.' Nike thought, rolling her eyes.

She knew better than to say that aloud.

"Good thing I've got the key and he's just a doormat." Athena smirked to herself.

She stepped away from the porch and walked up to the angel.

"What are you planning?" The latter asked skeptically.

"Making up for his poor performance last night." The wisdom goddess muttered in Nike's ear.

She spun the angel around so her back was facing the wisdom goddess.

"How do you know that?" The victory goddess asked.

"I was here." Athena replied as if it was nothing.

"You were here?!" Nike asked, looking up at her lover.

"You really think I'd let you alone with a small minded douchebag like him? What if he hurts you?" The wisdom goddess defended her actions.

The words did kind of flatter the angel. On the other hand it seemed as if she didn't trust her at all.

"You think he would? Scratch that. How did you even know we were... Well you know."

"Ear r*pe. He was awfully loud." Athena simply said.

"I never heard you. I know however, from personal experience, that you are too if it's done right. I never heard you, only him." She added.

"I see..." The angel said as a golden blush crept onto her cheeks.

Without another word Athena picked her up bridal style and carried her inside.

"Uh babe... Bed is still occupied." Nike said as she turned Athena's head in her direction.

"Who said we needed a bed?" The wisdom goddess smirked and kissed her.

"I like where this is going." The angel responded.

"I believe it's leading to the kitchen." The daughter of Zeus said carrying the victory goddess to the kitchen.

"Good, I'm thirsty."

Athena let out a laugh.

"You did not." She said in between.

"Oh I totally did." The angel responded pulling her in for another kiss.

A kiss that was completely ruined by both of them smiling and laughing.

"Idiot." Athena muttered.

"Excuse me?" Nike replied.

Athena raised a brow.

"That's Mrs. Idiot to you." The angel clarified.

"No way. I'm not taking idiot as my last name. Doesn't fit with the whole goddess of wisdom and goddess of strategy thing." The wisdom goddess smirked as she lifted her girlfriend on the kitchen island.

"Always thinking of her reputation." The victory goddess shook her head.

"I am Zeus' daughter after all aren't I?"

"I suppose." Nike smiled.

Once again she pulled Athena closer and locked their lips together. This time however it was properly done. The hunger of the angel grew when she felt the wisdom goddesses' hands roam over her back.

"Show him I'm yours." Nike whispered in Athena's ear when the latter pulled a way for breath.

"Your wish is my command, Athena smirked.

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