#14 * How It All Began

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Athena was trying to clean her spear. Key point trying. Usually monsterblood wasn't a problem to wash off, but this time it wasn't exactly working with her.

She grumbled an ancient Greek curse as she frantically wiped her piece of cloth over a bloodstain.

Feelings of pride and joy washed over her, notifying her Nike was approaching.

Nike. The angel that had been occupying all the wisdom goddess' thoughts lately. No matter what she tried, the victory goddess would always pop up again.

Part of Athena was annoyed with it. It made her head all dreamy, which she didn't like. Her focus would be miles away and she wouldn't be able to get anything done.

The other part definitly enjoyed it. The two of them weren't particularly alike or diffrent, but something about Nike made her heart soar.

A cough pulled Athena from her thoughts. She looked over her shoulder to find the victory goddess looking at her with a small smile and a faint golden blush on her cheeks.

"Hi." She said.

"Hi." The wisdom goddess replied, turning around.

"What are you doing?"

The angel leaned a bit to the side so she could see what Athena had been doing. She was quite curious to see what had grasped the goddess' attention.

To be honest Nike was curious about everything Athena did. She could be plowing a field and she'd still be interested.

Not to mention the muscle she'd-

The angel quickly shook her head. No... Not going there... Not now at least...

She looked up when she heard a chuckle. It came from a certain grey eyed goddess in front of her.

Athena took a step to the side so Nike could see the golden spear laying on the workbench.

"I was trying to clean my spear, but it isn't really working with me today." She explained.

"I don't know what those monsters were made of, but whatever it is doesn't want to come off."

"So the day finally comes? Athena who doesn't know something about a monster. Mnemosyne better remember that." Nike joked.

The daughter of Zeus rolled her eyes but smiled. A gesture she found she did a lot around Nike.

If anyone else has said it Athena would've been annoyed, but Nike? She could practically say whatever she wanted and the wisdom goddess wouldn't even be bothered.

"Is there something I can help you with or are you just here to make fun of me?" The daughter of Zeus asked.

"Well, although it wasn't my intention I feel like the latter will do just fine." The angel replied with a smile.

Athena shook her head and gave the her a playful push.

In truth Nike was here because she wanted to ask Athena something. They'd been spending a lot of time together lately. Outside of the training arena and off the battlefield that is.

And the victory goddess simply loved it. She noticed Athena did too. She smiled more and she shared a lot more with Nike than she did before. They'd gotten so close in such a short period of time.

Last time they spend their time at lake Triton. A wonderful place Athena loved a lot. Together they had watched the sun sink into the lake. In the light of the last sunbeam they had kissed.

Now Nike wanted to know what that kiss had meant to Athena. And if it actually meant something valuable what she wanted to do with it.

Nike took a deep breath. Better to get this over with.

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